I see you've been posting alot in the FA forum threads,
The Damned in AH are not the same guys that flew FA as _Damned_
where did Lethal's post go???
edited for ^^^ my bad, had 2 different forums open at the same time...... Lethal didn't post in this thread!
Yes Mentor, we are still active..... sorry for getting to this so late but I was experiencing PC trouble at the time of thread
The Damned listed on my group & whels' group are still active somewhat... just going by looking at the tours info for squads the last several months
as for the "Damned" coming to be by our founder Ptero ( PT ) in late 1987/early 1988 in Air Warrior and me starting the 1st Damned squad in beta FA .99
some players in FA rebuilt the Damned ( _Damned_) squad after the arrival of FA version 1.5
we have at present, 2 longtime FA _Damned_ in my Aces High group, currently
hope that clears some things up........ LOL Max, I have never left........ I just have had a little more of RL getting in my way the last year or so
Happy New Year to my Damned Brothers & Sisters and all the AH Community


TC ( Johnny )