to the idea of more trainers, if there are people out there that are willing to be "Official" Trainers then why not make them so... Especially if you guys are all booked up.
What about having a "biweekly" training seminar held in the TA or something covering different topics lead by different members of the Training Corps. that have more experience or expertise to offer in some of the different aspects of the game. Develop some sort of lesson plan covering some topics that might help some newer members. It doesn't have to be real basic stuff, but something to encourage the members that are within their first 3 months. You could make a post in all arenas about the event the day of, similar to how its done prior to the start of the FSO or SEC stating something like "In 15 minutes the start of today's training covering Basic Air Combat Maneuvers begins in the Training Arena". Just a thought I had while talking to a friend about it the other day.
Maybe this has been tried before and was not effective, I don't know I know ive not seen anything in the past year (minus a small few month hiatus away from the game). When I first came back to the game after 10 years away I know that was something I had looked for was if there was some sort of set "training day" or a generic time that trainers would be on. I didn't at the time even really know about the forum being here and posting in it asking for help. Yes some of the stuff on the training page did help, but there is SO much information there I think some people get overwhelmed by it and just figure "Ehh ill figure it out on my own" and they instead go straight to the game being left at the mercy of people in the game to take the time to teach them things.
Is there anyway to develop some sort of program that would put people in the TA at set times of the day during the week. Im not saying full time 8 hrs a day 5 days a week cause I get that that's a little to much

. Even if its something like 2 hrs a day 6 days a week split by a large number of "Trainers" at different times to have someone available to people that play in all the different time zones say someone mid-morning and mid-evening, so 2 people a day twice a day. Or even start off small with the idea maybe a Wednesday and a Saturday twice a day, see if anyone takes advantage of it. Make a arena announcement slide out off the clipboard during those times that give the name of who is available at those times. It could even be something where that trainer that is scheduled for that time could be in the MA but have people aware that he is there and tell them on the announcement how to contact them if they want training i.e. "If you would like training SoandSo is available from 10am EST till 12pm EST contact them by personal message ".p SoandSo[space] type message here...".
Reach out to our community and how many people would be interested in participating in such a program and helping it along.
Just a thought I had while reading this topic and some others on the side of training while I was talking to a good buddy of mine brainstorming how to make this game even better and trying to retain the new people that we do get.

to the Trainers that are out there though and that have helped me before. You guys do a great job of breaking down the game and trying to make the experience good for all those you do help.