Author Topic: B24 sorties?  (Read 240 times)

Offline 1Cane

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B24 sorties?
« on: December 04, 2013, 12:15:12 PM »
Since this is the start of the new tour I have flown two sorties in the 24s.  On each mission I lost one plane and was able to bail.  When I go to the clipboard it shows eight sorties and three bails. :noid On the second mission I was disconnected and was able to come back in flight both of my drones were in the default skin and I was back to the original fuel load out.  Any thoughts on this?

Offline Lusche

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Re: B24 sorties?
« Reply #1 on: December 04, 2013, 01:39:25 PM »
hmmm... 2 missions in 24's would be 6 sorties. You sure that you did not happen to fly two single sorties, for example in a C-47, or a A-20 in bomber scoring mode? So far I have never seen the game logging sorties I didn't fly, so that would be the easiest explanation ;)

As for the disco... yes, that with the skin does always happen that way. And I found my tanks not being back to original fuel loadout, but had all remaining fuel suddenly distributed evenly across all fuel tanks.
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Offline 1Cane

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Re: B24 sorties?
« Reply #2 on: December 05, 2013, 10:25:01 AM »
The third death was in Fi 156 that somehow had changed status from attack to a bomber.  So as it stands now I have three missions in 24s and one in Fi 156 for 10  sorties and yet I show 11.  I rarely fly A20s and I have not upped a C47 this tour.

 Originally I flew bombers strictly for score but I have developed a routine in the mornings where the 1 hour it takes for a mission really works out for me.  With the winds aloft I like to bomb with the wind as close as I can get it on my six.  Normally I like to fly within 600 feet of the wind change.  That way I can make a turn and climb or desend 600 or 700 feet and again have the wind on my six.