Author Topic: Rejoin in Flight bug with WEP  (Read 3688 times)

Offline Vraciu

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Re: Rejoin in Flight bug with WEP
« Reply #30 on: January 01, 2014, 09:58:24 PM »
That could be why Hitech split from him and has managed to run a company with a niche market for more than 13 years.

And Hitech is fond of saying something along the lines that customers don't KNOW what they. He may ignore "what the customers want" as you say, but he seems to be doing ok in such a small market.

Personally I'd like to know your reason for why you think it is so important to have WEP when you get back from a boot.  Heck most of us are just happy to be flying when we get back from a boot. You have been booted twice in the last 3 months of your time in the game (I would have gone back 6 months but you've only been playing for the 3) Again, whats the urgency to have WEP?

The same market Wild Bill ran for just about as long.  This death march has happened before. 

The importance is fairness for lack of a better word, especially when I am the only player within my square or adjoining it. 

May as well take away all myfuel and ammunition while we are at it.  LOL

And I played here years back so stuff the longevity argument in your ear, most kindly. 
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Re: Rejoin in Flight bug with WEP
« Reply #31 on: January 01, 2014, 10:01:46 PM »
I don't know why it's not an option. Doesn't it seem likely that it would be an option if it didn't create problems?

You've made your point and everyone agrees that it would be nice to have the remaining WEP after rejoining in flight.

No. Just like I don't trust politicians who say the same thing.  I would think with the obvious questions this raises we could hear, "We know this is an issue and we hope to address it. For now this is the best we can do because..."
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Re: Rejoin in Flight bug with WEP
« Reply #32 on: January 01, 2014, 10:08:49 PM »
Wow! WTG on just blowing by the question, again, I'd like to know your reason for why you think it is so important to have WEP when you get back from a boot?

or is that to probing a question?

Offline BaldEagl

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Re: Rejoin in Flight bug with WEP
« Reply #33 on: January 01, 2014, 11:01:12 PM »
I think they said they had that happen on purpose. You could run a search.

It is the way they coded it. It helps keep people from pulling the plug.

this is why.

Ill check on the bugs,

But the things that are intentional and are not bugs are wep used up and the AI always bailed when the plane has certain types of damaged like all engines dead.


Learn to live with it like the rest of us do.

The point is it was intended that way and Hitech has his reasons for doing so. Much like that Brewster is modeled a certain way and whether you like it or not that how it's going to be because Hitech has his reasons (it is the data they chose to use ) for doing it that way.

And my point is, along with others here, it makes no sense.

It does to the owner and designer of the game.

That could be why Hitech split from him and has managed to run a company with a niche market for more than 13 years.

And Hitech is fond of saying something along the lines that customers don't KNOW what they. He may ignore "what the customers want" as you say, but he seems to be doing ok in such a small market.

Personally I'd like to know your reason for why you think it is so important to have WEP when you get back from a boot.  Heck most of us are just happy to be flying when we get back from a boot. You have been booted twice in the last 3 months of your time in the game (I would have gone back 6 months but you've only been playing for the 3) Again, whats the urgency to have WEP?

Wow! WTG on just blowing by the question, again, I'd like to know your reason for why you think it is so important to have WEP when you get back from a boot?

or is that to probing a question?

I'd like to know the reason you're on this crusade against a player's suggestion when you obviously have no idea why it is like it is other than "because that's the way it is".
« Last Edit: January 01, 2014, 11:06:27 PM by BaldEagl »
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Offline Vraciu

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Re: Rejoin in Flight bug with WEP
« Reply #34 on: January 02, 2014, 01:09:15 PM »
I'd like to know the reason you're on this crusade against a player's suggestion when you obviously have no idea why it is like it is other than "because that's the way it is".

Thank you BaldEagl.

I find it odd that he thinks rejoin with WEP is odd.  By that logic, why have it at all?  Let us all just roll with zero WEP.  :lol

Why have WEP?  LOL. The answer to that is self-evident.
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Re: Rejoin in Flight bug with WEP
« Reply #35 on: January 02, 2014, 04:52:34 PM »
I'd like to know the reason you're on this crusade against a player's suggestion when you obviously have no idea why it is like it is other than "because that's the way it is".

It seems to me that he is looking for a way to game the game. By him not answering a simple question as to why it is so horrible to lose that bit of WEP when recovering from a disco it certainly help confirm that idea.

There are many things in the game that "don't make sense" to some or many players. Read the boards and you will find hundreds of discussions about how "this plane isn't modeled right", "this plane should have bigger bombs", "that plane shouldn't be able to do a loop", "fuel should be able to be porked all the way down like ord" and so on and so on. Why are these things the way they are???? Because HTC has decided to use the data THEY have. Basically because "they said so".

Maybe down the line they will change it, who knows. But Hitech has said it was made that way for a reason. His reasons are usually pretty good. And just because some one whines about being short his WEP when he return from a disco might not be enough to make him change it. What do you think?   

Offline Vraciu

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Re: Rejoin in Flight bug with WEP
« Reply #36 on: January 02, 2014, 07:54:04 PM »
^^^^ Are you that dense?  Yours was a silly question that needed no answer.  You're the only one who doesn't grasp the purpose and utility of WEP apparently.  

Asking to have the amount of WEP (or at least something closer to it that zero) I had when I discoed on my return is gaming the game?     :lol  :lol  :lol  :rolleyes:

I guess the desire to have my ammo when I come back means I am beating the system, too, huh?  LOL LOL LOL.
« Last Edit: January 02, 2014, 08:04:55 PM by Vraciu »
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Re: Rejoin in Flight bug with WEP
« Reply #37 on: January 02, 2014, 08:49:46 PM »
Again you avoid the question, Why is it so important to have the few minutes of WEP? Even if it's the full time of WEP 10-15 minutes depending on the plane, why is it so important? While I'm no super skilled guy I do see where WEP is all that important. Knowing my angles, getting a good shot, and hitting when the shot is there are very important. WEP, heck I burn it out on climb out more often than not.

Again, if you have only discoed twice in the last 3 months, why do you find it so horrible to lose it when you disco, where most everyone else doesn't seem to have a problem with it?

ahh never mind, I know you won't answer. I know why any way. Good luck in the game. 

Offline Vraciu

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Re: Rejoin in Flight bug with WEP
« Reply #38 on: January 02, 2014, 09:20:41 PM »
Again you avoid the question, Why is it so important to have the few minutes of WEP? Even if it's the full time of WEP 10-15 minutes depending on the plane, why is it so important? While I'm no super skilled guy I do see where WEP is all that important. Knowing my angles, getting a good shot, and hitting when the shot is there are very important. WEP, heck I burn it out on climb out more often than not.

Again, if you have only discoed twice in the last 3 months, why do you find it so horrible to lose it when you disco, where most everyone else doesn't seem to have a problem with it?

ahh never mind, I know you won't answer. I know why any way. Good luck in the game.  

 :lol No Argument so pulls out the cheater card. :lol

You don't know a thing.  You make ass-umptions based on your narrow world view.   All you hear is the sound of your own voice and gawd forbid anyone disagree.    :rolleyes:

If you don't need WEP then nobody does, right?  :lol  :lol

For the record I have discoed about ten times--six in one night when the entire arena had problems. Only once was I engaged, and then in a position of advantage.   (Edit: I take that back.  My opponent discoed, not me.   I have never discoed while engaged or even in eyesight of an enemy, making the loss of WEP all the more perplexing.)

The planes I fly rely heavily on WEP.  They don't turn. They don't sustain energy.  They climb or go fast.  And then only with WEP.  When chasing B-29s several sectors away and I lose all my WEP after half an hour climbing to altitude....because of some arbitrary decision by the ah gods....I have to ask why.  "Because" is NOT a good enough answer.

Also WEP helps escape from a position of disadvantage.  I can see a case where a disco leaves someone being chased without the ability to extend.   Not all of us are god pilots like you, your highny-ness.  :joystick:

At the end of the day, I see no way to hack the game by having an equivalent/proportional WEP quantity on rejoin.  None.  Zero.  Nada.

Now you may kindly go do you-know-what to yourself.  :neener:

« Last Edit: January 02, 2014, 09:40:03 PM by Vraciu »
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Offline BaldEagl

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Re: Rejoin in Flight bug with WEP
« Reply #39 on: January 03, 2014, 12:50:15 AM »
It seems to me that he is looking for a way to game the game. By him not answering a simple question as to why it is so horrible to lose that bit of WEP when recovering from a disco it certainly help confirm that idea.

There are many things in the game that "don't make sense" to some or many players. Read the boards and you will find hundreds of discussions about how "this plane isn't modeled right", "this plane should have bigger bombs", "that plane shouldn't be able to do a loop", "fuel should be able to be porked all the way down like ord" and so on and so on. Why are these things the way they are???? Because HTC has decided to use the data THEY have. Basically because "they said so".

Maybe down the line they will change it, who knows. But Hitech has said it was made that way for a reason. His reasons are usually pretty good. And just because some one whines about being short his WEP when he return from a disco might not be enough to make him change it. What do you think?   

I'm not seeing where having WEP when you relog can be expolited in the game.  My vote would be for having whatever WEP you should have when you relog (i.e if you had it on when you disco'd some or all would be gone, if not then whatever was there is there and a little extra for regeneration if some was gone).

As to your examples you know quite well that those requesters rarely present data to substantiate their claims and if they do then a change is generally made.  As to the porking fuel example it used to be rgar fuel could be porked down to 25% but was changed due to the whines of players.  I'm sure at the time you were one to want to leave it alone and now that it's changed you're again one to want to leave it alone.

HT doesn't walk on water.  Occasionally he gets things wrong (thin blue line, cenralizing the strats, splitting the arenas).  I'm glad you're opinion of him is so high but it doesn't mean things can't be changed for the better from time to time and unless someone speaks out for change it's not likely to happen.

If we had it your way we'd all be stuck in the 90's playing AW.
I edit a lot of my posts.  Get used to it.

Offline BuckShot

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Re: Rejoin in Flight bug with WEP
« Reply #40 on: January 03, 2014, 05:32:35 AM »
Here's my guess as to the reason;

You're chasing said 29s and run out of wep. You intentionally disco, wep full again. Run out of wep again, disco, get more wep. If it was possible, folks would do it.

~S~ Buck
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Offline Vraciu

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Re: Rejoin in Flight bug with WEP
« Reply #41 on: January 03, 2014, 09:28:41 AM »
Here's my guess as to the reason;

You're chasing said 29s and run out of wep. You intentionally disco, wep full again. Run out of wep again, disco, get more wep. If it was possible, folks would do it.

~S~ Buck

That is not what I was asking for.  We all agree the scenario you posited would be a bad idea.  I was asking for the amount I had at disco, minus an APPROPRIATE penalty for the rejoin.   They know my ammo loadout and I keep that.  Keep my drop tank.  Keep my fuel.  Why is my WEP disabled arbitrarily?  

« Last Edit: January 03, 2014, 10:36:12 AM by Vraciu »
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Re: Rejoin in Flight bug with WEP
« Reply #42 on: January 03, 2014, 05:27:30 PM »
:lol No Argument so pulls out the cheater card. :lol

You don't know a thing.  You make ass-umptions based on your narrow world view.   All you hear is the sound of your own voice and gawd forbid anyone disagree.    :rolleyes:

I never said anything about cheating, your the one making assumptions.

If you don't need WEP then nobody does, right?  :lol  :lol

Never said this either.

For the record I have discoed about ten times--six in one night when the entire arena had problems. Only once was I engaged, and then in a position of advantage.   (Edit: I take that back.  My opponent discoed, not me.   I have never discoed while engaged or even in eyesight of an enemy, making the loss of WEP all the more perplexing.)

The planes I fly rely heavily on WEP.  They don't turn. They don't sustain energy.  They climb or go fast.  And then only with WEP.  When chasing B-29s several sectors away and I lose all my WEP after half an hour climbing to altitude....because of some arbitrary decision by the ah gods....I have to ask why.  "Because" is NOT a good enough answer.

If your counting on WEP your already halfway to losing the fight.

Also WEP helps escape from a position of disadvantage.  I can see a case where a disco leaves someone being chased without the ability to extend.   Not all of us are god pilots like you, your highny-ness.  :joystick:

LOL!!! have you ever seen me fly???  

At the end of the day, I see no way to hack the game by having an equivalent/proportional WEP quantity on rejoin.  None.  Zero.  Nada.

Now you may kindly go do you-know-what to yourself.  :neener:

See Buckshots reply! For just just one example.

That is not what I was asking for.  We all agree the scenario you posited would be a bad idea.  I was asking for the amount I had at disco, minus an APPROPRIATE penalty for the rejoin.   They know my ammo loadout and I keep that.  Keep my drop tank.  Keep my fuel.  Why is my WEP disabled arbitrarily?  


BOING !!!! Wish Granted. HTC has decided the APPROPRIATE penalty is lose of all WEP.

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Re: Rejoin in Flight bug with WEP
« Reply #43 on: January 03, 2014, 05:36:34 PM »
I'm not seeing where having WEP when you relog can be expolited in the game.  My vote would be for having whatever WEP you should have when you relog (i.e if you had it on when you disco'd some or all would be gone, if not then whatever was there is there and a little extra for regeneration if some was gone).

As to your examples you know quite well that those requesters rarely present data to substantiate their claims and if they do then a change is generally made.  As to the porking fuel example it used to be rgar fuel could be porked down to 25% but was changed due to the whines of players.  I'm sure at the time you were one to want to leave it alone and now that it's changed you're again one to want to leave it alone.

HT doesn't walk on water.  Occasionally he gets things wrong (thin blue line, cenralizing the strats, splitting the arenas).  I'm glad you're opinion of him is so high but it doesn't mean things can't be changed for the better from time to time and unless someone speaks out for change it's not likely to happen.

If we had it your way we'd all be stuck in the 90's playing AW.

I don't presume to believe that I am any where near as smart as Hitech. He has decided that lose of all WEP is how he wants the re-join feature to work. The "why" is un-important to me. As like many other things in the game things are the way they are for a reason and I just try to have fun with in those parameters. Many things are tweaked in the game for one reason or another. Some are to cut back on the gamers gaming the game, other are for playablity, others are because HTC likes to have their models as close to the real things as they can get.   

Offline Vraciu

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Re: Rejoin in Flight bug with WEP
« Reply #44 on: January 03, 2014, 06:25:00 PM »
I never said anything about cheating, your the one making assumptions.

Never said this either.

If your counting on WEP your already halfway to losing the fight.

LOL!!! have you ever seen me fly???  

See Buckshots reply! For just just one example.

BOING !!!! Wish Granted. HTC has decided the APPROPRIATE penalty is lose of all WEP.

That is not an appropriate penalty anymore than losing all your ammo or fuel.  They can track fuel and ammo usage but not WEP?   Riiiiiiiiight.

Buckshot is referring to something that cannot happen.    Preventing this abuse of WEP is the same as preventing the abuse of fuel and ammo.  It ain't hard.

As for being halfway to losing the fight by relying on WEP, that's your flawed opinion.   It is there for a purpose in the it was in real life depending on equipment...and I rely on it appropriately when it is available for a particular airplane just like 99 percent of the people in the arena.  My primary experiment last tour was BUFF hunting in TA-152s.  Climb rate, and thus WEP, is essential to the mission.  It is also useful for getting away from a six on one gang bang.  Your mileage may vary.

And don't act like just because you didn't call me a cheater-wannabe directly that wasn't your intended point.  You said it quite clearly enough ("He sounds like someone who is trying to game the game.").  Cheap shot, low brow, dbag move, pal.
« Last Edit: January 03, 2014, 06:29:17 PM by Vraciu »
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