See, this is the kind of stuff that should be easily accessible from the home page for new players. As it is it will soon become obscure.
Nice and clear. I did not know about the need to recalibrate above 14k. One thing that I have noticed is that it seems as though if I am close to top speed and I calibrate the calibration speed is higher than my speed. I often have to chop throttle to get slowed down so I can recalibrate at a speed that I can quickly reach by adding back in the throttle.
One thing I do (though it won't work too good with squad formations I bet) is after a first drop I put my nose down to accelerate and when I have enough separation from the target pull up to recapture altitude and slow down for the turn back to the target and then dive again to get up to calibration airspeed, then recalibrate altitude.