I don't, but seems silly and hypocritical to state someone failed to contribute positively to the thread when you are guilty as well. Just an observation..
If you noticed, I didn't say BluBerry didn't 'positively contribute' anything. What I said
was he didn't remind us all about his contribution and what page it was on. His 'further
contributions' are still yet to materialize.
I consider you one of my AH friends. You feel that this thread was both legitimate and
warranted, it seems. Had it been authored by just about anyone but Changeup, I may
have given ion to the former but probably still not the latter (and I may have left Tommy
Lee out of it and not gotten his goat*). So. Seriously now. What do you want, my friend?
(*It didn't strike you how remarkably easily he twisted when I merely challenged his motive?)