They have never ran to ack, nor ran from any fight, nor acted like "victims" when they get shot down, nor sprayed heroic crap when they shoot you down.
They're good in a fight with you and they put up a good fight against you. They never fail to say hi on range and contribute on country.
Any grief they have ever tried to lay on me is short term. They fight like "bikers" when they want to bully someone. One in all in.
That's just my view of them and a couple of them I would classify as "some of the best people I have never met". This is not"ankle raping", just my appraisal after a few years.
If anyone is looking to spray a squad, look somewhere else. As the cliche book says " they are what they are". And if you're on the receiving end of their antics "toughen up Buttercup" and kill some of them in the air. It seems to quieten them somewhat.
Happy Trails.