Author Topic: had some thing strange happen and thought i would ask  (Read 781 times)

Offline Tracerfi

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had some thing strange happen and thought i would ask
« on: January 17, 2014, 06:33:36 PM »
i was watching a video and all of a sudden my screen started glitching out like i bad VCR tape what would that mean
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Re: had some thing strange happen and thought i would ask
« Reply #1 on: January 17, 2014, 08:43:33 PM »
They knew you weren't old enough to watch porn so they scrambled the video?  :noid

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Re: had some thing strange happen and thought i would ask
« Reply #2 on: January 17, 2014, 08:54:02 PM »
i was watching a video and all of a sudden my screen started glitching out like i bad VCR tape what would that mean

Your entire screen or just the window with the video playing?  It could be a lot of things, from not having the correct codec to maybe an issue with your video card or the media player you were using.  Lots of variables.

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Offline Chalenge

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Re: had some thing strange happen and thought i would ask
« Reply #3 on: January 18, 2014, 12:07:23 AM »
Could just be a bad download, also.
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Offline Bizman

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Re: had some thing strange happen and thought i would ask
« Reply #4 on: January 18, 2014, 04:09:47 AM »
Your entire screen or just the window with the video playing?  It could be a lot of things, from not having the correct codec to maybe an issue with your video card or the media player you were using.  Lots of variables.

The key question here.  :salute

Getting the answer to this will significantly reduce the variables.

Offline Tracerfi

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Re: had some thing strange happen and thought i would ask
« Reply #5 on: January 18, 2014, 06:04:36 AM »
even after a closed the window it still went crazy but after a went to the menu to shut the computer screen stopped acting crazy
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Offline Bizman

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Re: had some thing strange happen and thought i would ask
« Reply #6 on: January 18, 2014, 06:25:02 AM »
Won't hurt to take the video card apart and de-dust the whole rig. That would also serve for reseating purposes and while you're at it, reseat your ram sticks, too. And do some cable management to improve airflow. Now, if you tell it's a laptop you make me look silly  :rolleyes:

I suppose the video you were watching was on the Internet instead of on a DVD disk. In that case updating or de- and reinstalling Flash Player might help.

Offline Tracerfi

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Re: had some thing strange happen and thought i would ask
« Reply #7 on: January 18, 2014, 07:16:17 AM »
Won't hurt to take the video card apart and de-dust the whole rig. That would also serve for reseating purposes and while you're at it, reseat your ram sticks, too. And do some cable management to improve airflow. Now, if you tell it's a laptop you make me look silly  :rolleyes:

I suppose the video you were watching was on the Internet instead of on a DVD disk. In that case updating or de- and reinstalling Flash Player might help.
its the family computer that my mom bought i know nothing of how to do so and my mom does not want me messing with so i am screwed then
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Offline Bizman

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Re: had some thing strange happen and thought i would ask
« Reply #8 on: January 18, 2014, 03:39:47 PM »
its the family computer that my mom bought i know nothing of how to do so and my mom does not want me messing with so i am screwed then

Ahh, ok. It's not yours and fortunately you don't have the skills to do any repairs. If you were classified, you'd have to do maintenance day and night.

Were it your rig, I'd suggest you to unplug the computer, then open the side and take a look inside. If the cooling fins behind the fans were totally blocked, I'd take a can of air, prevent the fans of rotating and blow the dust away. But don't ever tell your folks you might be able to perform such tasks. Ever!  :bolt:

Offline Tracerfi

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Re: had some thing strange happen and thought i would ask
« Reply #9 on: January 18, 2014, 05:05:19 PM »
Ahh, ok. It's not yours and fortunately you don't have the skills to do any repairs. If you were classified, you'd have to do maintenance day and night.

Were it your rig, I'd suggest you to unplug the computer, then open the side and take a look inside. If the cooling fins behind the fans were totally blocked, I'd take a can of air, prevent the fans of rotating and blow the dust away. But don't ever tell your folks you might be able to perform such tasks. Ever!  :bolt:
well it seemed to sort it self out maybe it was just on for too long because it sat overnight(sometimes forget to shut it off) and did not see to have any problems
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Offline Bizman

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Re: had some thing strange happen and thought i would ask
« Reply #10 on: January 19, 2014, 03:15:04 AM »
Desktops are built to be able to run 24/7, of course in a decently ventilated location, so leaving it on overnight idle shouldn't cause any problems. If your folks have it in a closed door cabinet under the desk or otherwise have hindered the airflow through the case, some relocating might do the trick. If it's placed correctly, then I'd recommend to let someone do a basic maintenance including de-dusting.