Author Topic: More and more bailing after bombing  (Read 8590 times)

Offline Wiley

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Re: More and more bailing after bombing
« Reply #90 on: February 06, 2014, 01:29:32 PM »
Bombers are my favorite target!  Last night in one sortie I got five kills off of bomb and  bail characters.  I really appreciate the kills but I seriously doubt I would have got all five without receiving damage.   :banana:

The only thing I don't like about them is you get no perks.  Looking at it in pure mathematical terms, I would've gotten some perks off those bombers if I'd been allowed to kill them.  I don't think it would kill the game if you got perks off proxies, unless I'm missing something.  Obviously not in GV's or ground guns, but A2A I think it would be reasonable.

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Offline -27th-

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Re: More and more bailing after bombing
« Reply #91 on: February 06, 2014, 11:15:04 PM »
So, if you spend 25 minutes climbing to intercept bombers, and they bail, and that happens once or twice a night, you would be okay with it, right?

While it's a non-issue for me two, happened a hand full of times to me, I am still empathetic to the plight of others, and understand the problem.  Depending on your flight profile, you may never see this happen...  Why be so harsh?

-If you start climbing for 25 minutes to intercept bombers, you accept the time you're investing and the circumstances of what might happen on that flight.

-I agree 100% what ack-ack is saying.

-What flight profile? Here is my resume: 1995-2001 Air Warrior , 2002- present Aces High

-Finally, it's just part of the game. No penalty. Want to expand proxy radius? fine.


Offline Rich46yo

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Re: More and more bailing after bombing
« Reply #92 on: February 07, 2014, 08:07:52 AM »
I can see dropping your bombs with no enemy around, no enemy dar, seeing a different place of the map you want to fight and then dumping your bombers. I myself dont do it cause its kinda tacky, "unless I have something to do real world". But to dump your bombers to avoid a fight and to protect your stats??? That just smells like yesterdays pizza OTW out into the welcome bowl.

It does take skill to fly and fight them with success.
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Offline Vinkman

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Re: More and more bailing after bombing
« Reply #93 on: February 07, 2014, 09:03:46 AM »
Lucky, lucky you ;)

There are basically two types of bailers:

The first is the classic bomb'n'bailer, who's doing it to decrease turn around time and thus increasing his efficiency in the 'war game'. He's not interested in score, and for the most part he doesn't care if anyone gets a kill from his bail or not.
And there's about nothing that can be done about it, as all 'solutions' that came up over the years are either easily circumvented or have negative  side effects on gameplay that outweigh any possible gains from it. (perk loss, no bail from undamaged planes, no reupping for X minutes, bomb damage removed if bailing withing Y seconds...)

The second one is mainly griefing. He doesn't care much about his score, he just does not want to 'give' you a kill, for whatever reasons. He's frequently flying at excessive altitudes and bailing if some interceptor is actually taking the time and closing in on him, often just after getting ion icon range so he can assess the threat you are posing to him.
This is usually the one frustrating other players the most, especially if the fighter pilot had to invest a lot of time and effort to track the enemy and hunt him down.
There's not much that can generally be done about this type either, but I think that increasing proxy range to icon range limit might cut it down a bit. At least, I see no harm from it, or does anyone else do?

I agree with this^

And would add...this is much ado about nothing.  :salute
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Offline caldera

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Re: More and more bailing after bombing
« Reply #94 on: February 07, 2014, 09:34:19 AM »
One problem with increasing the proxy range is if it also applies to fighters.  An uber-timid LW plane(or planes) can corral a lower/slower plane from either going to attack or rtb and basically run him out of gas.  This has happened to me many times.  After a half dozen weak passes, you can tell when they are too afraid to press the attack but stay so fast, there is no hope of catching them.  You have to keep breaking, so you can't really get anywhere.  My solution is to bail out when they get to 2.5k. 

Another problem is that you see a con on radar and up to intercept.  The con turns out to be high bombers and you are not in the right plane or just don't feel like a bomber chase.  Bail.  Or, it's a high speed porker that you can't catch.  Bail.  I bail all the time, but not to avoid a death.  Excepting the above reason, of course.
« Last Edit: February 07, 2014, 09:42:37 AM by caldera »
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Offline Scca

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Re: More and more bailing after bombing
« Reply #95 on: February 07, 2014, 01:41:33 PM »
One problem with increasing the proxy range is if it also applies to fighters.  An uber-timid LW plane(or planes) can corral a lower/slower plane from either going to attack or rtb and basically run him out of gas.  This has happened to me many times.  After a half dozen weak passes, you can tell when they are too afraid to press the attack but stay so fast, there is no hope of catching them.  You have to keep breaking, so you can't really get anywhere.  My solution is to bail out when they get to 2.5k.  

Another problem is that you see a con on radar and up to intercept.  The con turns out to be high bombers and you are not in the right plane or just don't feel like a bomber chase.  Bail.  Or, it's a high speed porker that you can't catch.  Bail.  I bail all the time, but not to avoid a death.  Excepting the above reason, of course.
Yup, and you can still bail... It just may mean someone else gets your kill.... and?

Much ado about nothing.

I had 213 kills last month, so that is how much I play.  I hunt bombers a lot.  I had maybe 1 or 2 bail all of last month.  I've had more than that bail in a month, I've had less.

I don't bother to worry about that much.  I know I won, they know I won, good enough for what we have to work with.  Tweaking the system to "punish" these few offenders will unfortunately negatively impact those that play with class so, no, let's not.
Bolded part. How so?
« Last Edit: February 07, 2014, 01:43:33 PM by Scca »
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Offline lyric1

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Re: More and more bailing after bombing
« Reply #96 on: March 07, 2014, 05:07:15 AM »

Offline icepac

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Re: More and more bailing after bombing
« Reply #97 on: March 07, 2014, 09:28:06 AM »
Most of the time I see it, it's because I show up at a ridiculous altitude where the bombers thought they were safe.

I check the film and usually find that these guys often have 3 stars and ranked in the top 25.

The low altitude bombing and bailing is far more prevalent with me seeing it many times a day and films reveal it's the same guys who ride in their bombs on a heavy fighter just to drop a single ord bunker or radar.

Two very different circumstances.

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Re: More and more bailing after bombing
« Reply #98 on: March 07, 2014, 04:10:34 PM »
I meant to say that I very rarely see it at high altitude but see it often with the lancstukas.

Offline whiteman

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Re: More and more bailing after bombing
« Reply #99 on: March 07, 2014, 06:05:56 PM »
i had to double check to make sure this wasn't from 2006

Offline RotBaron

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Re: More and more bailing after bombing
« Reply #100 on: March 17, 2014, 10:08:29 PM »
Out in full force this morning. Several Knight sorties were met at the strats and other bases w/ bomb and bail, all for a Bishop win da war. 3 separate sorties for me were met with bombers that had yet to empty, but as soon as they saw me bailed.  Cmon maaaan!

So I asked one of them in pm, I reviewed my film to know who, why bail as soon as you saw me? Response: "I had no chance vs. a 163."  Really no chance :headscratch:  The majority of 163's kills I have were when I was in Lancasters. I learned how to shoot through the process of getting shot down A LOT.

Just too timid to want try, too worried their ego might not handle being shot down? C'mon he decided to come bomb the strats, he decided to put himself in that position, and so they can bomb targets without fear of being killed - that is NOT COMBAT.  :rolleyes:

HTC please make the proxy range for bombers that hit enter 3x 6.0.  If they decide to auger as a way around at least you can try to dive with them and shoot at them.
They're casting their bait over there, see?

Offline Vinkman

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Re: More and more bailing after bombing
« Reply #101 on: March 18, 2014, 11:04:54 AM »
Out in full force this morning. Several Knight sorties were met at the strats and other bases w/ bomb and bail, all for a Bishop win da war. 3 separate sorties for me were met with bombers that had yet to empty, but as soon as they saw me bailed.  Cmon maaaan!

So I asked one of them in pm, I reviewed my film to know who, why bail as soon as you saw me? Response: "I had no chance vs. a 163."  Really no chance :headscratch:  The majority of 163's kills I have were when I was in Lancasters. I learned how to shoot through the process of getting shot down A LOT.

Just too timid to want try, too worried their ego might not handle being shot down? C'mon he decided to come bomb the strats, he decided to put himself in that position, and so they can bomb targets without fear of being killed - that is NOT COMBAT.  :rolleyes:

HTC please make the proxy range for bombers that hit enter 3x 6.0.  If they decide to auger as a way around at least you can try to dive with them and shoot at them.

Why should they force someone to fight? All this would do is give you three kills. But wait I thought no one cared about score?  :headscratch:

I vote no.
« Last Edit: March 18, 2014, 11:06:53 AM by Vinkman »
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Offline danny76

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Re: More and more bailing after bombing
« Reply #102 on: March 18, 2014, 11:44:22 AM »
Force him to fight?  :huh Sure this is supposedly about combat.  And as far as I can see the bombers that dont bail tear me up in seconds anyway. I dont see them as an easy kill.
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Offline RotBaron

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Re: More and more bailing after bombing
« Reply #103 on: March 18, 2014, 12:45:25 PM »

Why should they force someone to fight? All this would do is give you three kills. But wait I thought no one cared about score?  :headscratch:

I vote no.

Because it's not realistic. A set of bombers over enemy territory, no one ever bailed out to avoid a fight in that situation, they want to bail over their own territory well then maybe that is compromise. It's gaming the game, and this game is intended for combat. It's not my fault they took bombers over my country, why should anyone pay penalty in time wasted chasing them, when they say ha! I'm just going to bail because my ego is going to get hurt if they shoot me down.

On the rare occasion that I have bailed out of perfectly good bombers it was NEVER to avoid a fight, it was I had to go or something came up and I couldn't invest the time to fly home, the handful of times that happened I was deep in their strats, and I'd be fine if the nearest person got the kill too.  

Fight man, good god. (< at the B&B's not you Vink)
« Last Edit: March 18, 2014, 12:55:03 PM by RotBaron »
They're casting their bait over there, see?

Offline danny76

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Re: More and more bailing after bombing
« Reply #104 on: March 18, 2014, 12:52:42 PM »
^^^^Absobloominlutely :aok
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