Author Topic: Various 51D Films  (Read 443 times)

Offline katanaso

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Various 51D Films
« on: February 06, 2014, 09:53:03 PM »
I commented in another thread about utilizing all of the flaps while turn-fighting in a 51D, and I finally had an hour or so to get several films together.  I have a tough time keeping the ball centered in a 51 -- not so much in a 38 or other planes, so the flying may appear sloppy, and the gunnery downright lousy.  But the point was to show that the 51 can effectively fight with more than 1 notch of flaps.

This is staying with a quick reversing G14:

This is being caught on the deck by a G6:

This is being caught on the deck by a 38J, who is E-fighting before finally getting into the turns:

A short fight where I think I surprised PewterC5 by turning and fighting as I did.  It was in the middle of a large Rook fighter sweep:

This is a small fight where I start fighting a Ki84, then a Dora comes in, and finally a 3rd.  I manage to survive, primarily due to bad aim, but it's a stall fight.

Fighting WCGUY in a F6F where I have an E advantage.  For the final kill shot, I drop flaps and go into a low yo-yo to pull lead.  Had I not done so, I wouldn't have been able to pull around for a shot:

Turning with a La7 near the deck.  I auger being greedy as he tries to ditch.  hehe

Turning against 2cmex in a N1K2.  He eventually got the edge, and I had to dive out, but I put it here to show that a 51 can turn with a N1K2:

A low, moderately slow turn fight against Dodger in a 38G:

Turning with a Spit 8 in a swarm.  I get picked at the end:

An excellent fight I had versus PotsNPans in his c202:

One of the best fights I've had in the MA in a long time, versus Bruv119, where he tries to bounce me from up high.  This is nonstop once we get into scissors:

I have loads of films, wins and losses.  I just don't have loads of time to sit and edit them.  And in no way can I make movies like some of the other folks.

So, hope these help.
80th FS "Headhunters"

The most terrifying words in the English language are: "I'm from the government and I'm here to help."