First do you drink heavily or are you an example of better living through chemistry?
Second, are you willing to learn?
Third, are you subject to manic bouts followed by the depths of despair (all within say just a few minutes)?
Fourth, have you ever been so angry that you felt capable of actually taking another human's life?
Fifth, have you rushed through an anniversary or child's birthday party to get home to cartoon airplanes? (Don't even ask about leaving a beautiful woman to get home)
Sixth, ever you ever argued with a grown person over fuel, loadout, skin, takeoff direction, etc, for a cartoon airplane?
Seventh, have you been mad or upset on Saturday because of Friday's cartton airplanes?
Eighth, do you devote large parts of your time planning an attack or defense (or setting up arenas) for cartoon airplanes?
Ninth, do you log into a forum to read or brag about exploits in cartoon airplanes?
Tenth, if you have more than one combination of these symptoms, see 1 and 2 above.