Once again. A perfect model to emulate for this AH as far a GVs are concerned.
If you can find a copy, buy it. You will love the game play.
I agree there is more eye candy in that game, however much of the game play is similar. Little things like the transitioning between buttoned/unbuttoned views are nice.
I wish HTC would develop a more accurate way to model the benefits of the tank commander being buttoned/unbuttoned. Also, the transitioning between the TC's binocular view, gun sight view, etc, could all be "smoothed". Plus, I wish they would accurately model the binoculars of each country. That would certainly add immersion. As it stands in AH, the binoc view is a 0 to 2.5X zoom, but in the real deal most of the binocs were 5-7X with different fields of view. Of course, the Germans were be light years ahead of the other countries in terms of optic quality. Now if HTC were to implement such a thing, I'd hope to see some ramifications for the TC being unbuttoned.
The other thing I'd like to see HTC do is to broaden the damage spectrum. Meaning, have different levels of damage and not just an all or none as it currently is. Not all "successful" hits were kill shots. I think it would be nice to have turret traverse reduced/limited, or speed reduced/limited, or turning radius/turn rate effected, maybe have the MG's damaged, or the reload rate increased (dead reloader?), etc. Also, if there was some way to may fuel as issue as well, that would be nice.