Whether it is a reasonable/logical request or not, I am fairly sure you just have to suck it up and comply with the rules of the establishment if you want to do business there.
Absolutely. However....I will happily refuse to do business and go somewhere else as a matter of principle.
Throwing a tantrum at the lowly minion who is enforcing company policy or railing against the unfairness of the rule on the internet just seems childish to me.
Again, if the request is made politely then it will be refused politely. If the request is made as an order then.....well, the double figure IQ'd pillock who thinks he can order me around is about to be made a fool of. My local Tesco supermarket is a great example. They have a policy that bikers should remove helmets but it depends which security guard is on duty. The 5'2" 90lbs Indian security guard once came up to me and, politely, asked me to take the lid off to which I replied:
"Certainly, if you can tell me why." He stared at me blankly as if no-one had ever asked that question before so I thought I'd help him out and carried on "The usual reason is so CCTV can see my face....." waved a hand around in front of my perfectly visible face, gave him a questioning but friendly look.....then glanced over his shoulder and nodded towards the gaggle of bhurka clad women further down the aisle.....he glanced at them, looked back and me, smiled, nodded and walked off.
However, there's also a 6'2" 280lbs shaven headed MMA fighter type guard who also once came up to me and said "Take your helmet off."
"Sure, if you can tell me the reason."
"Cos I said so."
Now that.....was not the right thing to say.