The existence of 200 makes range and country text cleaner. 200 is like drinking and driving. No one holds you down and pours drinks down your gullet. Then duct tapes you into the drivers seat with your hands stuck to the wheel. Then starts the car, puts it in gear, and tapes your foot down on the accelerator with a cinder block on top.
Ssskkkhhhcusszzzssshyyy,,,IIiii errr shwarrr......theyyyy brukk inna my houssss and and tunned me to to 200nerd. And then and then, wrroottt aallll dem bads things about youuuuuuu.......reeeallllyyyy y wassunt me sur, nope nope. Yeahyyyy it wur the catzz,,,yepppers my cattzzz did all urf it. Barrfffffffffffffffffffff...u urrrp...yeah SQUIRRLS derd ut!!!!!!