I would like to see a squad permissions addition in the O'Club Squad page. I know that Squads have organizations that usually contain CO and XO and permissions are delegated to some members, not all. I was thinking along the line that some folks are good leaders and some folks have other abilities that may be utilized to benefit the squads.
Some folks are exceptional at map making, film making, technical support, etc. Addition of a permission on the squad page that could be assigned to "trusted" members, means an otherwise busy CO or XO could simply delegate and instruct the "crew member" with the paint brush to go upload a new nose art IF DESIRED, would help reduce the amount of file sharing and technical assistance necessary to pass art from anyone other than the CO to himself.
Probably an additional wish but also: Once the new squad art has been approved, in order for the old squad art to be shown to individual members, they may have to remove the squad art bmp file from their Aces High/Squads.... folder ("squad CO name here".bmp). Then the new art should be visible by all members that do that. I am not clear if that goes for all players outside of squad or not. If the above is true, is there a streamline (short of loading all squad art every time a player logs online) fix or patch that would go along with nose art changes?