Author Topic: No answer, just an observation  (Read 986 times)

Offline shoresroad

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No answer, just an observation
« on: April 22, 2014, 06:51:47 AM »
After taking a six month break from AH I've come back to see more and more pilots simply bailing from their fighters the moment I start a fight with them.  Then I thought back to what I was taught by a number of average pilots who I talked to when I started playing AH 15 months ago "Never fly in the same sector with uber green or red pilots."  Leave, because the only way you'll get better at gunnery and handling your plane is through prolonged dogfights with players you can survive against for more than one turn.  Same for the greenies "You'll rarely get a prolonged dogfight with uber greenies around as they kill quickly and will kill the red thing you're trying to fight." 

So off and on I followed this advice and left sectors once I saw a bunch of uber greenies come in or if I was shot down by an uber red thing.  And it worked.  Whenever I had a really fun dogfight, win or lose, I would check his k/d ratio and sure enough it would be about 1.0 like me.  When I spent 15 minutes climbing out to be shot down by an uber pilot in 2 turns it was not fun.  I very rarely would even fire my guns.

Set aside the squad I ran into on the Bish that definitely had the policy of abandoning a base take at the point of any enemy contact, the above scenario is going on out there.  A good number of new players are being taught by some of the mediocre players to stay away from the uber guys, both green and red.  I heard a conversation on range radio last night on exactly this, same I as heard when I started playing: "Unless you're willing to log 100's if not 1000's of hours in this game you'll never beat the uber pilots, so avoid them."

The uber guys are trying to change the side switch time to find red things to shoot down while a good number of average and new players are trying to avoid them.

No answer, just an observation.
"Find your enemy and shoot him down - everything else is unimportant."
Manfred von Richthofen

Offline LCADolby

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Re: No answer, just an observation
« Reply #1 on: April 22, 2014, 06:58:04 AM »
Those pilots giving such poor advise should be shot at dawn.
They are caging the potential skill level and overall enjoyment of those around them, on such a ridiculous notion.
JG5 "Eismeer"
Twitch - Glendinho

Offline SirNuke

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Re: No answer, just an observation
« Reply #2 on: April 22, 2014, 09:55:57 AM »
this is so sad  :huh

Offline Midway

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Re: No answer, just an observation
« Reply #3 on: April 22, 2014, 10:03:48 AM »
this is so sad  :huh

I admit to feeling like the OP at one time also... until some very good pilots (Yenny, Debrody, Nrshida, Sfox, MickyD, Badboy, Grizz, Fester, Shane, BatFinkV, Pervert, and several others who I hope I'm not hurting their feelings by not mentioning as the list is quite long) took me by the hand to the DA and TA and taught me the ways of Aces High awesomeness.  :joystick:


PS: May the OP be treated as nicely as well by having an awesome pilot(s) offer to spend time with him and bring him up the ranks to said awesomeness as well.
« Last Edit: April 22, 2014, 10:06:14 AM by Midway »

    PARADISE ON EARTH  ------->   <-------  PARADISE ON EARTH :)

Offline RotBaron

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Re: No answer, just an observation
« Reply #4 on: April 22, 2014, 10:10:23 AM »
I admit to feeling like the OP at one time also... until some very good pilots (Yenny, Debrody, Nrshida, Sfox, MickyD, Badboy, Grizz, Fester, Shane, BatFinkV, Pervert, and several others who I hope I'm not hurting their feelings by not mentioning as the list is quite long) took me by the hand to the DA and TA and taught me the ways of Aces High awesomeness.  :joystick:


PS May the OP be treated as nicely as well.

OH MY   :eek:, all of them and you still  :confused:

Do any of them use the word pwn other than to say it's a childs term?  Doubt it, they don't need to.
They're casting their bait over there, see?

Offline Latrobe

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Re: No answer, just an observation
« Reply #5 on: April 22, 2014, 10:11:47 AM »
It's a good idea to fight medicore-average pilots when first starting to get a good idea of how to fly and fight, but you shouldn't limit yourself by staying at that level. Once you get comfortable fighting in a plane search out those uber pilots and test your skills. At first you might die in the first turn or two, but you'll learn from that fight. Take that new found knowledge and put it to use the next time you face an uber pilot. Again you might die in the first turn or two again but once again you'll learn some more. Soon you'll start surviving 3 turns against uber pilots, then 4, then 5, and then you'll reach a point where you're starting to get shot opportunities on these uber pilots. THIS IS PROGRESS! This kind of progress you can only make when fighting someone BETTER than you. If you're constantly fighting pilot who are on your level or below then you'll never learn anything new and therefore will never improve beyond your current limit.

This insight is quite interesting. I've never heard any comments about the uber pilots from the average pilots before. So they've been telling all the new players so avoid fighting people better than them? No wonder the number of planes turning and running at icon range has been on the increase lately. The cold hard truth is, YES, you are going to SUCK.... at first. Everyone sucks at first, but it's by fighting people better than you that you improve and go from sucking to killing!  :aok

Offline SirNuke

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Re: No answer, just an observation
« Reply #6 on: April 22, 2014, 10:12:03 AM »
When I started the game I couldn't speak or write english very well, I just tried and died until I got better, using hints from Fariz or Moot to find my own solutions. I never became uber and will never probably be, but being a looser from the start never helps.

Lack of character :old:

Offline uptown

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Re: No answer, just an observation
« Reply #7 on: April 22, 2014, 10:16:03 AM »
WTF kind of logic is that? How do you ever expect to improve if you never fight folks more skilled than yourself? I believe a more rewarding approach to the game is to go to where these "uber" boys are, film them, fight them and talk with them. Learn from them then kill them. Fly a Brewster or Hurricane if you have too, but don't give up before you even try to fight.

With advice like what you've been given from these folks what's the point of even playing? Uber types were noobs at one time too ya know........
Lighten up Francis

Offline RotBaron

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Re: No answer, just an observation
« Reply #8 on: April 22, 2014, 10:28:50 AM »
Problem is getting killed by an uber stick is often noted by a lol on 200.

That I recall, sorry if someone else offered and I missed it, but SkyRock and Debrody were the only great stick that beat me silly in the MA and offered help. I couldn't take SR up on his offer, still wished I could have, Debrody and I went to the TA a long time ago. To the rest of you, no I never asked, and I can't assume that you didn't to others, and no you can't help everyone...

Who just listed all the uber sticks that helped him, guess they figured that backfired maybe shouldn't do that anymore as 200 went on endlessly afterward.

Morfiend doesn't have endless hours in the day.
As much as you guys might say its chicken, getting clubbed aint no fun, especially when you're ill-equipped to learn anything from it; Pop Warner players aren't going to dissect Peyton Manning's play.

carry on

Edit: several offered help when I posted on the bbs, that's not exactly what I'm referring to, as most of you know, the bbs only populated by a small % of players...

2nd edit: sorry Dolby, I also just recalled you offered for me to come hang out with the JG5 guys when I was knew, I wish I had.
« Last Edit: April 22, 2014, 11:05:25 AM by RotBaron »
They're casting their bait over there, see?

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Re: No answer, just an observation
« Reply #9 on: April 22, 2014, 10:32:27 AM »
"Such is the nature of war.  By protecting others, you save yourself."

"Those who are skilled in combat do not become angered.  Those who are skilled at winning do not become afraid.  Thus, the wise win before the fight, while the ignorant fight to win." - Morihei Ueshiba

Offline Latrobe

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Re: No answer, just an observation
« Reply #10 on: April 22, 2014, 10:43:28 AM »
You don't have to get clubbed endlessly trying to figure out why you're dying all the time. A lot of the uber sticks are generally nice people (some are complete turds but there are turds at all skill levels). If you just ask someone who kicked your butt what you did wrong and why you died I bet they'd help you out and explain what went wrong. If you get a nasty reply then just take note of that players name because he's one of the turds.

I wish my mind wasn't so broken. I usually end up spacing out during a fight and have no memory of the fight afterwards. If I could just remember the fights I'd give the pilot I fought some pointers even if he doesn't ask.

You won't learn anything from someone at your level because you're at their level. You already know everything they know. You can only learn from someone better than you because they know more than you. An average pilot probably knows the basics like what a Split-S is, what an Immelman is, basic strengths and weaknesses of certain aircraft are, etc. An expert pilot knows all of this and more! An expert pilot knows the advanced things like working angles, using engine torque and throttle management to help win a fight, how to read 5 moves ahead, etc. Who would you rather learn from? Someone who only know half the information or someone who knows all of the information?

Offline LilMak

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Re: No answer, just an observation
« Reply #11 on: April 22, 2014, 11:15:41 AM »
Back in the olden days of AW I was once a noob. When I started, I joined the countless lemmings who called the spitfire their ride. This was a good thing. I became we'll versed in the dweebfire and soon thought myself among the average to above average sticks. Then one day I encountered and 109 and thought my mighty dweebfire was more than a match for this German tin can. I engaged in a turning war with him and died quickly. I launched again and died quickly. He killed me so many times I considered calling him a cheat. But alas I was humbled by his performance and good nature on the text buffer. I asked for his help. We found a descrete area and I put my uber dweebfire away at his request. The German tin can would be my ride for the forthcoming lessons. We dueled. I lost and lost and lost and lost and lost. But, over time, it started to get increasingly hard for him to kill me until one day I WON. Then I returned to the arena with my new found skills. I upped my trusty dweebfire as habit and was virtually unbeatable. The Spit that was once my favorite ride was now...boring. I quickly became a 109 geek and regularly schooled my former spitfire brethren in turning fights. Then I received my highest compliment ever. "Cheater!"

The moral of this story? You have to put the time in and find someone who is willing to help. There are tons of players here who are willing to help you. It just takes a little humility and a good attitude. But it's also a two way street. ALT f4 for turbo doesn't help anyone.
"When caught by the enemy in large force the best policy is to fight like hell until you can decide what to do next."
~Hub Zemke
P-47 pilot 56th Fighter Group.

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Re: No answer, just an observation
« Reply #12 on: April 22, 2014, 11:41:58 AM »
Back in the olden days of AW I was once a noob. When I started, I joined the countless lemmings who called the spitfire their ride. This was a good thing. I became we'll versed in the dweebfire and soon thought myself among the average to above average sticks. Then one day I encountered and 109 and thought my mighty dweebfire was more than a match for this German tin can. I engaged in a turning war with him and died quickly. I launched again and died quickly. He killed me so many times I considered calling him a cheat. But alas I was humbled by his performance and good nature on the text buffer. I asked for his help. We found a descrete area and I put my uber dweebfire away at his request. The German tin can would be my ride for the forthcoming lessons. We dueled. I lost and lost and lost and lost and lost. But, over time, it started to get increasingly hard for him to kill me until one day I WON. Then I returned to the arena with my new found skills. I upped my trusty dweebfire as habit and was virtually unbeatable. The Spit that was once my favorite ride was now...boring. I quickly became a 109 geek and regularly schooled my former spitfire brethren in turning fights. Then I received my highest compliment ever. "Cheater!"

The moral of this story? You have to put the time in and find someone who is willing to help. There are tons of players here who are willing to help you. It just takes a little humility and a good attitude. But it's also a two way street. ALT f4 for turbo doesn't help anyone.


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Re: No answer, just an observation
« Reply #13 on: April 22, 2014, 12:05:13 PM »
I avoid everything but goonie birds. Its better that way.

Offline BluBerry

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Re: No answer, just an observation
« Reply #14 on: April 22, 2014, 12:15:14 PM »
I don't avoid the uber guys. They can save you valuable time that you would have spent RTB and just fast track you to the tower instead.