And there is the reason UK events kick off at 8pm. 
So....back to the original question of either moving or repeating US events to/at an earlier time?
I started answering your question about UK events, particularly TDI, this morning but never finished..... but it looks like that one has been answered to your satisfaction.

One point I was going to make that as the hosting CM of the 8pm running of TDI, I didn't feel I would want to run the event much later as by the time it has finished, logs uploaded and results calculated and posted on the forum it is often at least 10.30 pm before I am done and I personally would not want to make that 11.30 pm.
As for other events running at an earlier time similar to TDI, I need to let you know that even TDI didn't always have an earlier running unless it happened to be on a weekend or a day when Brooke was not working. Then a couple of years ago I saw a TDI I was interested in participating in and noticed it was only running at the later time; I posted in the thread asking why there was no earlier running for it. The answer was simple. A lack of CMs able to host at the earlier times. I returned to the CM team specifically to do this event. I would imagine that any attempt to run other events earlier in the day would have the same problem. Even so, there are never many players who turn up for the earlier TDI - certainly nowhere near as many as those who turn up for the later running, and I think if other events had earlier runnings they would also suffer from very low numbers, unfortunately.

I really wish we could get better numbers but it seems no amount of forum posting or in-game announcing can get more players to come. If we could get the numbers up, it could be a different story..... if you have any ideas for improving attendance, we are all ears!