Thx on all the hints and tips.
Getback, yes, very expensive toy. But worth every dime.
For anyone who is still scaling / tweaking his setup:
I have a pretty old mouse. It still is driven by a ball inside. So scaling, changing convergence and so on was usually a major PITA. Convergence 325? Not with my mouse. 300 yes, 350, 375 275 but 325? No sir....
Same with the stick scale. I want to raise just a tad... boingk.... 2 inches added....
You can go into settings, find your stick jsm file and edit the scale figures by editing the numbers... 3 decimals
including damping and deadzone
Which means also you don''t need to ask anyone for a screeny of their scale... just ask for de jsm digits..... great reference for starters...
Who might have this sort of issues as well...