The Pacific War
An Aces High Scenario Team Production - Registration Is Open!
http://www.ahevents.org/scenario-registration.htmlFor the complete write up, visit the home of The Pacific War
http://pacificwar.wordpress.com/Join us for a new style of scenario. This "tour" will expose scenario participants to one of the most diverse and complex scenarios in years. New promotional tools and a new style. Follow the event on Facebook, Twitter and The Bulletin Boards. This new template is being used to promote events and allow others to monitor the event as it unfolds, even if they can't be there. Need to miss a frame? Live reports from the event as it progresses can be sent right to you.
Frame by Frame specific write ups are posted on the main page.
Links to maps, and other helpful information is collected in a single source for easy access. Find your strat maps for planning, links to terrains, compass and other graphics and planning tools that will become available now that the site is published and ready to launch.
Thank you for your patience as we both introduce a new event and new format.
This event will be a tour of the Pacific. We have tried to introduce the more popular elements that players enjoy. There are opportunities for massive dogfights, fleet to fleet action, assault on an island, and a major bombing campaign. Instead of 4 frames doing the same thing, we are going to mix it up and give the teams ample opportunity to react on the fly, adapt to difficult obstacles, and really put their heads together to come up with ways to take advantage of the other sides weaknesses and capitalize on your own sides strengths.
Frame 1 is the historical attack on Pearl Harbor. An attack on the US Fleet at Ford Island starts the event off with a unique disadvantage to the US Forces. Unless a very lucky scout is able to identify the incoming attacking IJN forces, it is likely that the US team will attempt to launch with a major force already having done some significant damage and making substantial progress on their objectives. The US must rally together under confusing conditions and get into the air to both repel the attackers, and seek out their carriers to return the favor. It is an attack that will define their leadership and communication skills and either come out fighting our be knocked back on their heels. There will be plenty of air to air battles as swarms of fighters duke it out while streams of torpedo bombers thread their way through to their targets.
Frame 2 brings the players to a massive brawl to claim ownership of a single target. The IJN are in a mission to invade Midway Island. The US has the difficult task of defending a small, difficult to supply piece of sand days away from any significant reinforcement. The fleets assigned near Midway and the small force stationed on the island are all that stands in the way of the IJN from securing a strategically vital jumping off point for control of the Pacific Ocean. This is battle of attrition. The victor is the one who will ultimately inflict the most damage to the opposition. The US, if defeated, will cede the island to the Japanese and lose one of the most important strategic advantages in the theater.
Frame 3 offers up a simple but raw unchained battle. The objective, utter destruction of the opposition. Again, as in Midway, the CVs are detached from the escorts. Run them all together, or separate them for maximum coverage and protection. This is a simple bloodbath. Air to Air and Fleet to Fleet. Take out the carriers, take out the enemy aircraft, sink the destroyers and cruisers, and may the best team win.
Frame 4 offers up the chance for the US team to return the favor to the IJN for the Pearl Harbor attack. This time, the forces of Japan are under attack by the latest the US has to offer. While Pearl Harbor had the advantage with the surprise attack limiting when the US could launch, the IJN now has the larger hurdle to overcome. The B-29 is coming to Japan. It's the last frame of the war, the last push. With both sides exhausted, the end is near. Who will push to the last? This frame will be the only major bombing campaign of the scenario. It's the traditional escort the bombers into enemy territory. The IJN has the home field advantage, with more places to refuel and rearm, while the US has the perceived advantage of the superior craft. As shown, however, time and time again, it's more about what you do with what you have, than what you actually have. The IJN has the ordinance and the ability to stop the final push from the US. Will the people behind those weapons be able to pull it off? The US must assault and destroy the ability to supply the Japanese forces with fuel and vital supplies. Nagasaki and Hiroshima are hosst to a large number of industrial complexes. The ultimate invasion of Tokyo in the near future depends on the total ruination of these facilities. The Japanese, desperate to defend their homeland and war machine must show the invading US forces that they cannot destroy their industry, and make them pay a heavy price for even trying.
The Pacific War has begun.
Commanding your team will require time, energy, and a great deal of team building.
This event will pit the strongest players against each other, and will demand a new level of dedication to bring out the full level of immersion this event has to offer.
You will be provided recruits and equipment, your Commanding Officer will then be required to distribute them as he or she chooses. There will be no pre determined squadron affiliation. Your side will be provided with a fixed number of planes which will be used up throughout the frame. The quantity of the planes available at the start are based on 2 Planes per Pilot, assuming a 90 person per side registration and turnout. The planes will be available at this minimum level regardless of the turnout. The plane percentages are shown in each frame, and if a turnout is stronger than 90 players per side, the allocated number of planes will be increased over the minimum.
Planes will be counted, not lives. The CO will have the ultimate say as to who get's to fly which plane, and when. The CO will have the choice as to when he launches, where he goes, and all of the decisions that must be made to ultimately win the war. The design will have starting points, and total number of planes to use. For the most part, those are the conditions that will be in place.
Registered players are recruits. You are not assigned a squadron at the registration process. You are joining the war. Your ability, skill, and ability to lead will cause promotions or squadron assignments. This is at the sole discretion of the CO.
Victory conditions will be frame by frame, and completely objective based. The side who achieves more winning frames will be the victor. It is possible to lose or win all frames, it is possible to battle to a draw. There were blowouts in the actual war, and often times battles were fought to a stalemate. There are no major restrictions regarding where you can fly, how far you can chase an enemy or when you can or can't shoot them down. The choices made will impact the event.
Logs will be posted on ahevents.org as usual, as well as linked frame by frame on each frames page here on this event site. You are welcome to follow the event on Twitter @ScenariosROC where live updates on the event progression will occur. The HitechCreations Facebook page will have live updates on the event as well.
Aces High Tours The Pacific War from the initial attack on Pearl Harbor to the Final Assault on Japan.
Dates and Times
Players should register for the scenario to play in it so that they can get mission orders, although walkons are allowed to show up in the Special Events Arena on game day to see if there are any open positions to fill. The Pacific War will be a four-frame event (four battles).
The start times are 3:00 pm US Eastern Standard Time. Convert to your time zone HERE
Frame 1: Attack on Pearl Harbor June 7th 2014
Frame 2: Battle For Midway June 14th 2014
Frame 3: Battle of Santa Cruz June 21st 2014
Frame 4: Battle Over Japan June 28th 2014
Links to the logs will be posted Here, on the Aces High Forums, Linked via Twitter and Facebook.
After takeoff (T+0), the frame will run for three hours (T + 3 hours). At the end of each frame, all players will have 15 minutes to return to a field and land successfully. Every plane not landed successfully at the end of this period will be counted a lost.
Download Terrains Here.
http://downloads.hitechcreations.com/ahiiterr/japan.reshttp://downloads.hitechcreations.com/ahiiterr/midway.reshttp://downloads.hitechcreations.com/ahiiterr/solomons.reshttp://downloads.hitechcreations.com/ahiiterr/pearl.resLooking forward to a very enjoyable event.
On behalf of the Scenario Team, see you out there!