Congrats. It's a very tough time to join the military so when things get tough or confusing/uncertain, think hard about what you're there for. If it's about the paycheck or the benefits, the military isn't the right place no matter what the tv ad says about college and other benefits. They've taken away those college benefits at least 4 times in the last few years, and military benefits and pay for both active duty and retirees are under intense attack by senior military leadership. If its about the service, you'll need to keep in mind that the military services are also undergoing significant structure and social transformation. The military your parents/grandparents may have served in simply doesn't exist anymore. But you're part of shaping how it's *gonna be* so if you're in it to serve your country, your path through your time in the military should be FAR less confusing or uncertain for you.
Good luck in flight training! One piece of advice - don't EVER mention flight sims or home computer based training/gaming. Ever. Deny you've ever seen a home flight simulator, let alone flown one. It's ok to admit you play xbox or PC shooters but that's about it when you're around your instructors. You need to be the proverbial tabula rasa, blank slate. You don't know anything until they tell you, and then you better be able to both repeat it back verbatim on demand, and execute it in the aircraft under stress. That, and not barfing inflight, is all there is to it haha.