Author Topic: Bomber Combat simulation in Aces High  (Read 7578 times)

Offline Karnak

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Re: Bomber Combat simulation in Aces High
« Reply #105 on: May 18, 2014, 06:07:07 PM »
My point remains that the convergence is game design not aircraft modeling.   :D
How do you think it should be handled?  If the streams of fire from each bomber did not converge it would make the guns on the drones 95% useless.  As it is they are probably 75% useless.
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Offline FLS

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Re: Bomber Combat simulation in Aces High
« Reply #106 on: May 18, 2014, 06:53:23 PM »
How do you think it should be handled?  If the streams of fire from each bomber did not converge it would make the guns on the drones 95% useless.  As it is they are probably 75% useless.
I'm not seeing a problem that needs handling.

Offline Crash Orange

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Re: Bomber Combat simulation in Aces High
« Reply #107 on: May 18, 2014, 08:18:47 PM »
The stats in the game then do count every death of a drone as a death in the K/D stats?

Then, no correction needed, and folks still shouldn't be multiplying it by 3, right?

Yes, yes, and yes. Each bomber downed counts as one kill for the fighter pilot and one death for the bomber pilot. This is true whether the buffs are in formation or not.

This business about a formation = one kill is nonsense. Attacking a formation three times and shooting down all three bombers in three passes is exactly as difficult as attacking three individual bombers in three passes and shooting down all three, and has the same effect on scores and stats. More difficult, actually, because with the three individual bombers you'll only be facing one set of guns at a time.  Trips to the tower have nothing to do with it. You die and teleport to the tower and take off again, or you die and teleport to another bomber in your formation and play again, there is not one iota of difference. Either way you register a death, either way you're right back in combat.

BnZs, you wanted numbers, I gave them to you. In the April tour slightly more than 2.5 B-17s were shot down for every time a B-17 killed any kind of enemy. If the absurd claims being made in this thread were true, that ratio should be reversed. For other bombers the numbers are as bad as twenty to one. For every time one He-111 kills any kind of enemy, bombing or gunning, TWENTY He-111s are shot down. There is not a single fighter in the game with a k/d remotely near that bad - in fact, there's not a single fighter in the game with a k/d as bad as the B-17. Based on actual statistics from the MA, your odds are better fighting a Spit XVI in a Spit I or P-40E than you are defending against that same Spit XVI in a B-17 - and WAY better than in a Ju-88 or G4M.

Maybe you're a way better gunner than you give yourself credit for, maybe you just happened to run into some particularly bad fighter pilots, or maybe it was beginner's luck. Either way, judging by cold hard facts from the MA, the experience you had was NOT the experience the average bomber pilot has in this game. I'll say it again: looking at actual MA stats, the average B-17 pilot can expect to lose 2.5 bombers for every 1 enemy plane or GV of any kind they shoot down. This is actually WORSE for the bombers than the historical loss ratio in either Schweinfurt raid (using postwar estimates of German losses, not inflated USAAF claims at the time). As I said before the difference between AH and WW2 on this is NOT that bombers do better in AH than IRL, it's that AH players aren't deterred by that high loss rate while IRL it was crippling. If all those bomber crewmen who died or bailed out over Schweinfurt had instead been magically teleported back to England in perfect health to fly again the next day, and all the lost or crippled planes were replaced from an infinite supply of spares, the 8th AF would have had no reason to discontinue unescorted deep penetration raids, but of course that's not how it works IRL.

You folks making absurd and unjustified claims about the effectiveness of bomber guns in AH can hum and haw and speculate and offer random anecdotes all you like, but the FACTS - real statistics from our MA and real statistics from the historical events - show that B-17 loss rates in AH are higher, and their k/d rates lower, than those of unescorted bombers in WW2 - and that's even with the bombers flying most of their missions within range of friendly fighters, and not even considering how many of the kills by the B-17s were carpet bombing helpless GVs at friendly bases.

Offline SmokinLoon

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Re: Bomber Combat simulation in Aces High
« Reply #108 on: May 18, 2014, 08:33:06 PM »
vote for pedro!
Proud grandson of the late Lt. Col. Darrell M. "Bud" Gray, USAF (ret.), B24D pilot, 5th BG/72nd BS. 28 combat missions within the "slot", PTO.

Offline Crash Orange

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Re: Bomber Combat simulation in Aces High
« Reply #109 on: May 18, 2014, 08:57:00 PM »
I kind of like the idea of a full box of bombers. However, I mostly want more realistic gunnery for all aircraft = more turbulence and atmospheric effects; actual slipstream from aircraft. Aiming at long range is far too easy as it is now.

That would affect fighters just as badly, so it wouldn't change the game balance.

Offline Crash Orange

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Re: Bomber Combat simulation in Aces High
« Reply #110 on: May 18, 2014, 09:07:32 PM »
My point remains that the convergence is game design not aircraft modeling.   :D

It is a game mechanic, yes, but it makes gunnery less effective than IRL, not more. Or more precisely, the formation and single-crewman-bomber game mechanics make gunnery less effective, and the drone gunners make up for a little of that but not all of it. IRL each of those guns would be manned and aimed at the target, and the aircraft would be fully capable of maneuvering while the gunners were firing. In the game only one is manned and the others hit somewhere near where the one aimed one is pointing, and half the time the plane can't maneuver with anything but rudder while the guns are manned. Actually, IRL you'd have SIX gunners all aiming at you, because the ball and top turrets would be manned as well. Can anyone imagine trying to attack a formation of B-17s in the  game if every tail, top, and ball turret position was manned by its own player? It would be absolute suicide. (Air Warrior had this, but you almost never ran into it, it was tough to get that many people willing to tag along as gunners. IIRC you couldn't join as a gunner mid-flight like we can.)

(And I'm not saying we shouldn't have the formation game mechanic, it's a good one, but its net effect in this regard is to make it easier, not harder, for fighters to score kills against bombers.)

Offline Chalenge

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Re: Bomber Combat simulation in Aces High
« Reply #111 on: May 18, 2014, 09:10:32 PM »
We already talked about adding more realistic physics and most of the responses were negative and worded as ultimatums.

I think the OP was looking for clues on how to kill the bombers, which he should now have picked up on.
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Offline 999000

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Re: Bomber Combat simulation in Aces High
« Reply #112 on: May 18, 2014, 09:37:20 PM »
This is an interesting post.  I think the game has many perspectives. Fighter pilots do what fighter pilots do..shoot stuff down. Bomber pilots objectives really are not kill to death ratio's, if it was we would be fighter pilots. Shooting fighters down is the means not the end of our objective. <S>

Offline Groth

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Re: Bomber Combat simulation in Aces High
« Reply #113 on: May 18, 2014, 10:00:57 PM »
 a reply from 'He that kills fighters bests'...
          Listen carefully..

Offline artik

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Re: Bomber Combat simulation in Aces High
« Reply #114 on: May 19, 2014, 02:15:07 AM »
...We have seen what happens when more challenge and a bit of realism is introduced to bomber piloting (full manual calibration anyone?)...

If we are already talking about calibration...

To be honest I preferred when it was manual calibration - there was a meaning in experience in calibration - you need to work on your approaches more accurately, once calibrated - keep the airspeed correct as calibration took much more time and so on.

Of course with auto-calibration it is way easier and more bombers flying around - but it makes the preparations almost irrelevant - you can re-calibrate 10 seconds before hitting the target and score the hit.

As a compensation layers of winds added to MA blowing in different directions which is <sarcasm>totally realistic</sarcasm>  :furious

BTW the entire assumption of the Norden bomb sight is based on the fact that winds are very similar from the low to high altitude. In the real world the shift actually occurs in the layers very close to the ground when the friction between the wind and the ground  becomes significant and the wind isn't blowing at 90 degrees to the pressure gradient - but these are very thing layers that have relatively small impact on the bomb in comparison to 20-30K drop.
Artik, 101 "Red" Squadron, Israel

Offline bozon

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Re: Bomber Combat simulation in Aces High
« Reply #115 on: May 19, 2014, 02:20:43 AM »
It is a game mechanic, yes, but it makes gunnery less effective than IRL, not more. Or more precisely, the formation and single-crewman-bomber game mechanics make gunnery less effective, and the drone gunners make up for a little of that but not all of it. IRL each of those guns would be manned and aimed at the target, and the aircraft would be fully capable of maneuvering while the gunners were firing. In the game only one is manned and the others hit somewhere near where the one aimed one is pointing, and half the time the plane can't maneuver with anything but rudder while the guns are manned. Actually, IRL you'd have SIX gunners all aiming at you, because the ball and top turrets would be manned as well. Can anyone imagine trying to attack a formation of B-17s in the  game if every tail, top, and ball turret position was manned by its own player? It would be absolute suicide. (Air Warrior had this, but you almost never ran into it, it was tough to get that many people willing to tag along as gunners. IIRC you couldn't join as a gunner mid-flight like we can.)

(And I'm not saying we shouldn't have the formation game mechanic, it's a good one, but its net effect in this regard is to make it easier, not harder, for fighters to score kills against bombers.)
You have a basic flaw in your logic. Real bomber guns do not converge at all, at any point. A bunch of human gunners shooting at the same target will create a dispersion pattern that does not converge at any range. This is because the systematic errors each gunner produce (i.e. imperfect aim) are different. This is opposed to guns slaved to a single gunner all having the same systematic error. In that case it is possible to make the guns converge at some point. The harder the aim, the more dispersion that will be created, so shooting at a target that requires a lot of lead (high angular velocity) will create a lot of dispersion from a bunch of human gunners, vs. no dispersion in the case of a single gunner with slaved guns. Like in a shot gun, more dispersion makes it more likely to get A hit, but reduce lethality very fast with range. This applies both to the guns on the same plane and to the drones.

It is true that a drone that drifted out of formation become useless in term of defensive fire if it is slaved to a gunner in the lead plane. The drone is probably shooting completely off mark.

This is an interesting post.  I think the game has many perspectives. Fighter pilots do what fighter pilots do..shoot stuff down. Bomber pilots objectives really are not kill to death ratio's, if it was we would be fighter pilots. Shooting fighters down is the means not the end of our objective. <S>
999000 is absolutely correct. Bombers usually get into very difficult situations against fighters because they want to put eggs on the target, not because they want to get as many fighters as possible into their guns range. The absolute majority of bomber sorties are unescorted and do not employ mass formations. Having friendly fighters in the area doing their own thing is not really an escort, though it helps a bit. In that kind of action I do not expect real bombers to survive any better. This situation is much worse that the worst massive WWII bomber raid.

Because bombers main purpose is to put bombs on target, using larger formations will be a disaster. With larger formations it will be impossible to completely stop a bomber formation from dropping on the target, even if they do not shoot back. "The bombers will always get through" - such was the belief in early WWII. And indeed some, and even most got through, but there are two differences from the game: one is that real bombers tend to miss the target, while AH bombers can snipe a tank with a single bomb from 16,000 feet. So in real life, thinning down the number of bombers getting through often meant that the target survived, while in the game the defenders have to annihilate the entire bomber force. Second difference is that in real life, if you shoot down enough bombers the raids will stop (at least for a good while), but in the game, killing a bomber formation only makes it come back quicker after you saved it the return trip. Killing bombers after the drop is actually counter productive to defense! We do it anyway because our game time is limited and we want to shoot red stuff down before we have to log out.

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Offline GScholz

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Re: Bomber Combat simulation in Aces High
« Reply #116 on: May 19, 2014, 02:55:54 AM »
All guns not manned by a player on multi-crew aircraft should be controlled by AI. That would also give bombers some protection when on the bomb-run or landing.
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Offline bozon

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Re: Bomber Combat simulation in Aces High
« Reply #117 on: May 19, 2014, 05:59:57 AM »
All guns not manned by a player on multi-crew aircraft should be controlled by AI. That would also give bombers some protection when on the bomb-run or landing.
Don't solve a problem by creating a worse one.
Current situation is not that bad.
Mosquito VI - twice the spitfire, four times the ENY.

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Offline GScholz

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Re: Bomber Combat simulation in Aces High
« Reply #118 on: May 19, 2014, 07:02:01 AM »
Why no AI gunners?
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Offline artik

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Re: Bomber Combat simulation in Aces High
« Reply #119 on: May 19, 2014, 07:18:32 AM »
Why no AI gunners?

Death Star - rings the bell?

In WB AI bombers were used to enter furrball and or do flybys killing fighters around.

B-17 would be a cool vulcher
Artik, 101 "Red" Squadron, Israel