Author Topic: Just Curious . . .  (Read 972 times)

Offline GhostCDB

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Just Curious . . .
« on: May 20, 2014, 02:06:59 PM »
Former Scenario CO's. . .or even XO's for that matter. . .

A few questions, just out of curiosity...

1. Your habits when planning? ex. Music, drinks, snacks, smoking, etc etc

2. How often and how much thought are you putting into it? ex. Hours at a time, a few minutes here and there, etc.

3. How do you go about planning? ex. Notepads, Pencil and Paper, Type and Revise, etc.

Just some random questions I have whenever I am planning, I guess questions keep me sane. Thought maybe I could try some different techniques.
More questions may follow.

Here are my answers. . .

1. I enjoy listening to the Bourne Legacy Soundtrack while working. I am usually drinking Gatorade, but whenever I get frustrated and start overthinking I will go buy myself a cream soda. I am not a smoker, but I hear it is relieving sometimes; just not for me. I am always nibbling on something, it helps me concentrate. Usually Lifesaver Gummies, anything that will keep my mind active. (I do this when I am shooting as well, the Drill Instructors hate it about me but when I am focused I won't miss)

2. I usually spend 30 to 45 minutes at my computer at a time. Lately I have spent a few hours at a time at my computer. With commissioning week everything is a bit chaotic.

3. I usually write everything up on a notepad or near-by loose sheet of paper. I transfer my plans over to my iPad and start drawing up possible routes and paths. Once I have completed that, I bring it all over to my computers (yes multiple computers for multiple plans). Constantly saving to my flash drive so my plans are portable. I take my laptops everywhere with me. Always thinking about new ideas or anything that could better the experience for my pilots.

MIDN Chris "Ghost" Bailey
Top Gun

Offline Brooke

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Re: Just Curious . . .
« Reply #1 on: May 20, 2014, 06:46:18 PM »
I think to each his own, but my method involved picking GL's who were good at recruiting and at managing their groups and involved starting a topic in my side's general forum for discussion of strategy.  I would make my GL's responsible for filling up their own groups.  I'd post what I had in mind, thoughts on weaknesses, strengths, etc., and ask everyone on my side what they thought, if they thought I was overlooking anything.  Then I would work to get written orders out at least by Wednesday night late.

Offline ROC

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Re: Just Curious . . .
« Reply #2 on: May 20, 2014, 07:02:55 PM »

1. Your habits when planning? ex. Music, drinks, snacks, smoking, etc etc

This one really depends on what level of planning I'm at.  Generally, I'll have some classic country in the background, nibble on anything from pizza to fresh blueberries and veggies, pretty casual when I'm going for the general plan. When it comes to the specific plan, I've got my team on teamspeak, we have shared images up on the computer screens, a good red wine and several hours of grinding out the details of what we have, what they have, what can be done about it.

2. How often and how much thought are you putting into it? ex. Hours at a time, a few minutes here and there, etc.
Months.  It's pretty time consuming if I'm in a leadership role.  I don't want my team to waste time on trivial stuff so I tend to make sure I personally know what the planes can do.  Some of us veterans have a reputation of counting bullets.  Not kidding at all.  Brooke, Flossy, and others, we have spent countless hours literally flying behind a B17 tapping the gun, counting exactly how much ammo takes off a wing, a tail, or whatever.  We spend hours launching, forming up, making torpedo runs, whatever the event design suggests is our objective, we drill on it.  Not everyone does this, and the event runs fine, it's all about personal choices, I've come up against opponents that put less time in but were quite capable opponents, so there is no one best method.

3. How do you go about planning? ex. Notepads, Pencil and Paper, Type and Revise, etc.
You'd laugh.  I have a print shop at my office, so there is the inevitable wall sized map with doodles all over it, multiple computers and monitors on my flight station, wide screen and secondary screen on my primary machine. I'll run PDF documents with graphics, and SIM and I will use the Twiddla map and have the entire team not just talk about what we are going to do, but show everyone on the shared graphic map.  It's pretty complex but over the years has become second nature that it's hard to do an event without the massive planning and immersion that comes with it.  For me, personally, building the team, training, practice, and all the other stuff make the event for me.  The flying part I can do in the main arena, it's planning it out with the team that is the event imho, so I put all I have into it.

Good thing these come around a few times a year, even my wife knows, during scenario season, it's pretty much all I do.
Nothing clever here.  Please, move along.

Offline swareiam

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Re: Just Curious . . .
« Reply #3 on: May 20, 2014, 07:21:46 PM »

Nothing beats putting butts in seats for winning a scenario...  :aok

Filling seats is the most important objective a side CO will have, EVER...

If the culmination of your work has been to make this effort a memorable, historically immersed, and fun event for your troops.

Then you win twice over.

Almost every other effort is a waste of time as far as I am concerned.

The other more intrinsic items would be; get MA squads COs to bring their squads in for a ton of fun. They usually take care of the rest with recruiting and filling seats.

Surround yourself with good followers that are even better leaders.

Other than that, plan to the step by step instructions that the CM team provides to you...

AKWarHwk of the Arabian Knights
Aces High Scenario, FSO, and Combat Challenge Teams
Don't let your ego get too close to your position, so that if your position gets shot down, your ego doesn't go with it. General Colin Powell

Offline Arlo

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Re: Just Curious . . .
« Reply #4 on: May 20, 2014, 07:23:39 PM »
Era music. Sets the tone. Beer here and the but, honestly, eater and iced tea. A documentary that covers the battle(s) playing in the 'background.' Have a dedicated physical map table with good lighting. You should have the capability and time to conference call your staff (as should they have, likewise).

Offline -ammo-

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Re: Just Curious . . .
« Reply #5 on: May 21, 2014, 01:33:54 PM »
<S> Ratio, Great topic.

My experience in a leadership role is limited.  Way Way back in 2003 (or maybe it was 2002) I signed up to be the Allied CO for a scenario.  I had  no idea what I was getting in to!  I quickly realized it was much more than I thought it was. Meeting objectives, making people happy with their preferred rides, recruiting a command element, coordinating efforts, and on game day(s), execute a plan.

Recruiting is paramount.  I let my leaders know - recruiting is a team effort but I need them to take the lead and fill their positions.

I get off of work and head straight for the PC. I read and re-read the CM Team writ-ups and think about how I can effectively utilize every capability afforded to me.  I have to strike a balance.

In the end, universal communication is essential.  Put the plan together in your mind, float it past your leaders, adjust accordingly, and lock it in. 

BTW, the Allies are in for an arse whoopin' for Pearl Harbor
Commanding Officer, 56 Fighter Group
Retired USAF - 1988 - 2011

Offline Stampf

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Re: Just Curious . . .
« Reply #6 on: May 21, 2014, 01:36:51 PM »
For the run up to DGSI - I almost needed an addition to my home...

- everything else is still classified.

- Der Wander Zirkus -
- La Fabrica de Exitos -

Offline Stampf

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Re: Just Curious . . .
« Reply #7 on: May 21, 2014, 01:58:56 PM »


Good luck to both Ammo and Ratio.  And salute to you both for taking on the role of side CO.  It's a tough one.

Old vrs. young in a wide open format.  Should be great fun for everyone.

I doubt I'll make even a single frame, but Ammo...if you keep my boys will have at least one local victory each frame.

Good luck all.

- Der Wander Zirkus -
- La Fabrica de Exitos -