I am not sure what the Buzz is about the Brewster, I flew it quite a bit as I mostly take up anything over 20 eny. However I have never flown it for an entire tour - one of the reasons is the Brewster simply doesn't excel any which way. I learned to use the C.205's climb rate and 400mph speed to really scare the crap out of P51 pilots at 14k, even managed #1 in fighters flying it. I generally flew the P-38J and Ki-84. The Brewster however, had some problems; for one I tried to cap an airfield at 6k, problem was when my friendlies disappeared, I couldn't exactly run home - got caught and shot down by a N1k that chased me down.
Once I managed to get a P-47 to commit to a turn fight with me, I bled off to much E and he ended up getting around on me, it was my fault for not retaining my E but I had to dive somewhat to get some E going and ended up caught.
Frankly the Brewster Hype is a little off, in a decent hands it flies like a Hurricane IIC, only difference is the bazookas vs 50 cals. I know a number of good pilots that will give you a fight, but its not only the Brewster; its every OTHER plane as well.
I'm seriously thinking people are giving it "mystical" status for no reason, its just a "Brewster".