Author Topic: Advertising on SimHQ  (Read 5356 times)

Offline The Fugitive

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Re: Advertising on SimHQ
« Reply #75 on: June 22, 2014, 01:28:54 PM »
Gman it's not just 200, it is local, country and private channels that the abuse comes on too. I know you have your hand on the pulse of the game having flown all of 6 hours this year. Picture this, a newbi has all his stars align and he drops a bomb, hits a tigerII killing it and some how pulls out of his dive to fly off intact. He is now at one of his high points of his young flying career and as his heart is still racing he gets rage PM's from the guy whos tiger is rubble an his 22 and counting kill streak at the spawn is over! The newbi doesn't know about squelching, and if he does know about "reporting" abusive players many don't because they don't want to be the "tattle-tail". After all they are the new guy and that isn't a reputation they want. After a few instances like this what are they going to do? Either toughen up, or leave.

Don't say it doesn't happen, I've seen it, and I've heard of it. Even with the small number of people who use the BBS you see complaints show up every week or so. The other games may have these same issues but hundreds quitting everyday are off set by hundreds joining everyday so it isn't as noticeable. With the fewer numbers they deal with here I think they just have to be that much more careful. I just think it's one of the things HTC has to take a look at. I've been here a long time and know how the game works and while I very rarely report anything I do spend a lot of time squelching people I just don't want to see on the radio. Friend or foe some just get squelched the first time I see their name pop up. Doing this increases my fun and lowers the frustration level immensely. New players either need to be taught these things or HTC has to work at curbing things enough so there is still good natured banter but everyone KNOWS where the line is and the consequences of crossing the line ANYTIME. 

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Re: Advertising on SimHQ
« Reply #76 on: June 22, 2014, 06:59:33 PM »
The other games may have these same issues but hundreds quitting everyday are off set by hundreds joining everyday so it isn't as noticeable.

I've not said that sort of thing doesn't happen, what I've said is that it isn't responsible for 2 weekers quitting as much as you and Bustr are making it out to be.  You've said yourself that other games have the exact same issues, yet you're saying that it's merely a matter of scale as to why AH doesn't grow despite being around forever, where as games like Eve that have been around a decade now as well DO grow?  Seriously?

I don't need to fly more than 1 hour in the MA to know that nothing has changed there from past years - is it your contention now that things are somehow different, or worse than previous years?  You've been here a long time, I've been here since the start as have others, and I can say with absolute certainty nothing is different from 2003, 2005, 1999, or now in terms of problem children on 200 or the old channel 1.  Why do you think there IS a channel 200 - because of all the trouble channel ONE had, and it was seen as the miracle solution by guys thinking along the same lines as you.  Great job, worked like a charm.  

You can't make new rules, new gameplay, new anything to make people behave the way you want them to in an online MMO environment.  There will never be enough moderators, rules, devices, or whatever to keep those in line that want to act out.  As I've said multiple times, you can de tune your radios, all of them except your squad channels if you wish, a sea of red, if it really bothers anyone that much.  The experience a new player will get here won't be any different than what they'll go through at EvE, WoT, or whatever.  You may think it's "worse" here, but for every screen shot or film of somebody acting out, I can answer with 5 that are worse from any other online game.
« Last Edit: June 22, 2014, 07:05:50 PM by Gman »

Offline Kodiak

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Re: Advertising on SimHQ
« Reply #77 on: June 22, 2014, 07:09:18 PM »
And again, 200 is something you HAVE TO TUNE yourself.  It's free will, nobody is forcing you to listen to, or even SEE what you're complaining about.  New players, 2 weekers, have to actually figure out that there IS a 200, and tune to it.  So far as being accused of being a spy on green country channel, see what I said above - a new player is obvious by new player type questions, somebody coming back to the game after knowing how to play it, and knowing all of the ins and outs of the politics and problems, yet plays it off like they are a "new" player - then complains that people call him a spy?  Uh huh.  I'd love to HT to show the logs of this player, and show precisely what went on so far as how that whole " I was griefed and called a spy constantly" came about.

The above is a bunch of rediculous speculation.  I was just sharing my recent experience when coming back.  I don't tune to 200 and I keep my text buffer minimized to one line.  I just showed up and started playing again.  I showed up at a base take attempt with a C-47 and got lambasted on range vox for calling out my countrymen's positions when another C-47 and a M3 got nailed.  I showed up at a furball and got lambasted for calling out my fellow countrymen's positions so the red guys could pick them.  It goes on and on.  It was just a few players in each instance, and no big deal.  I didn't "play it off like I was a new player."  I told anybody who was interested that I'd come back after being gone for 6 months.  No sneaky stuff, Gman.  But it did occur to me that this was very different from when I was a noob just 18 months ago doing basically the same stuff.  And when I was a noob I wasn't clueless.  I've got a pilots license IRL and have flown flight sims all my life, so I was functioning within a day or two regarding keyboard commands, etc.  No conspiracy to be found here...sorry.

Offline Gman

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Re: Advertising on SimHQ
« Reply #78 on: June 22, 2014, 07:23:03 PM »
Like I said, what you guys are essentially asking for is the removal of 200 and PM and range vox.  I alluded to a 2 week trial of what you're steering towards a few posts back.  More moderators and rules are reactionary things - the new player you're trying to protect will STILL hear and see the negative experience, punishment comes afterwards.  So, I ask you, what other than the removal of comms will get you want you want?  You think there are complaints now?  The solution would be far, far worse than what you're complaining about.  If not that, then what do you propose to make it the scene of serenity it was 18 months ago, when it wasn't "at all" what it's like now.  BTW I could link a thousand posts from 18 months ago made up of exactly the same complaints and issues that are being uttered in this thread.  More probably.

You're seeing things completely from your own perspectives, how many new players that have been here less than 6 months say actually exist?  HTC knows the exit and retention numbers, it's up to them to institute "fixes" to the problems you are all so certain have greatly contributed to the demise of the numbers in game.  Yet nothing has been forthcoming from HTC in that department, no radical new rules or changes in the MA?  What does that tell you?
« Last Edit: June 22, 2014, 07:29:37 PM by Gman »

Offline Kodiak

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Re: Advertising on SimHQ
« Reply #79 on: June 22, 2014, 08:00:28 PM »
Whats the solution? I don't know. Maybe the "sandbox" idea is no longer a viable way to go. Most of these other MMO's seem to have a lot more structure as in only X number of players, a timed match an so on. I'm not saying that is what is needed here but a new structure might be needed. If we have a "war raging 24/7" maybe that war should have more direction with better goals set out. Instead of "win the war" maybe setting goals for certain "battles" and win the battle! More monitoring to have a more "civil" playground. Much like the recent "cleaning house" that happened on the BBS maybe it's time they put their foot down and lay down the law in the MA. They split the arenas once for the good of the community life, to stop it from turning into a cesspool, because having too many people in one arena wasn't good for the new player. Maybe it's time for something new again.

They need to find a way to get more people to try out the game and the Youtube videos as well as player videos help. A presence on Facebook.... as long as it is active, will help as well. I think some form of advertising is going to be a must too. Finescale Modeler caters to a large group of WWII fans. Taking out an add in that publication has got to be cheaper than a TV spot but could hit a very well targeted group.

Then once they have them here they need to keep them. Cleaning up the MA of "bullies", adding a bit of structure with more goals to give those easily bored something else to go for. It also gives the new guys options. And add something to put help up in front of a new players face! Like most "guys" they don't "need" help nor will they ask for it, but give them a way to find it EASILY and they will use it.... well the smart ones will  :D

I don't advocate eliminating text and voice comms, but I do give a big +1 to Fugi's thoughts above.  The sandbox has become pretty much a 24/7 frantic cage fight and I think more "optional" structured war activities in the MA would help a lot.  I know players who came here looking for WWII stuff who couldn't find it so they left.  Yeah, there is FSO, Snapshot, This Day and special events, but to just log in and do some WWII activities on any given night is often hard to find.  And these same guys pulled me to the IL-2 games, so my time is divided between the MA and the IL-2 games even though I'm a subscriber.  I would fly here more if there were more mission oriented play in the MA.  Just the perspective of one player...

Offline steely07

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Re: Advertising on SimHQ
« Reply #80 on: June 22, 2014, 08:09:14 PM »
It's not just SimHQ, seems a lot of people have preconceived ideas (or quite old experiences with) Aces unfortunately

Aces High, Wing Commander, Dickweed Heavy Bomber Group:

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Offline Gman

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Re: Advertising on SimHQ
« Reply #81 on: June 22, 2014, 08:42:29 PM »
Kodiak, I agree, something more "official" in terms of WW2 experience would be a great thing, I've wishlisted such a thing before, several times in fact.  People come wanting to experience WW2 combat, but that isn't what they really get in the MA, it's more like a first person shooter with wings and a flight model, a massive quagmire of convoluted goals and such.  To me it doesn't matter, I'm just a furballer looking for that kind of fight, but I did really enjoy older WW2 type boxed games like Aces of the Pacific and stuff like that.

I had wishlisted turning one of the very unused arenas like early war or even one of the SEA that sit idle most of the time into a dedicated Axis vs Allies arena, where FSO and scenario like combat could be available daily.  I'll find the link to that request, many people came in and whined about how THAT would be a bad option.  You just can't win, which is my point - you saying that what you've experienced is from your perspective is a very wise way to look at things.  Everybody has their own vantage point, and plays the game they way they like to play it.  It's impossible to satisfy everyone, including new 2 weeker players.  I will agree that change isn't always a bad thing, and I would be up for any type of new gameplay functions added into the upcoming new version.  But trying to pass off blame for lack of growth mainly on problem players, and trying to come up with new and inventive ways to control such behavior isn't going to fix anything, in fact, it'll create more problems than it stops, any of the possible solutions.  

Possibly, and I mean very possibly, 24/7 mods in the MA could make some sort of difference, they could at least deal with repeat offenders so that they only get away with it once.  But even still, from what you and Fugitive are saying, much of your complaints deal with VOX - how is a mod to know what was said on vox unless he was in earshot, and for PM Vox messages, I know of no way for a mod to check that, unless by saved film, which would take a while for a complaint to get saved, uploaded, then viewed, then dealt with in each instance.  Again, what would YOUR solution be to deal with such VOX problems, if they are as common as what you're saying?  

Offline USCH

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Re: Advertising on SimHQ
« Reply #82 on: June 22, 2014, 09:06:44 PM »

I had wishlisted turning one of the very unused arenas like early war or even one of the SEA that sit idle most of the time into a dedicated Axis vs Allies arena, where FSO and scenario like combat could be available daily.
I personally would love a rolling plainset of AVA, with the same 10 troops required as the MA. most of the time i go to AVA and its set up for SEC or something with crazy non WWII fiction crap. we need the map to reset, and then a new plainset/time of war in WWII.

I guess what im getting at is if i could go to AVA and the map is "won" then the next map should be different.

Offline The Fugitive

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Re: Advertising on SimHQ
« Reply #83 on: June 22, 2014, 09:31:08 PM »
The bullying isn't just on VOX. However logs are kept and these things can be reviewed. Our society is geared around rules and policing of those rules. Why should the game be any different? We have the rules but very little policing. When it's on, it's on, but when it's not the bullies can run rampant. Do they go full out all the time, no of course, could be why you don't see any changes when you log in once a month. Your very naive if you think things haven't changed. Years ago there was plenty of banter back and forth "calling out" other players and taunting them to fight, but it very rarely escalated to the bullying and verbal abuse you sometimes can see today. If anarchy is allowed to reign why would people stay and PAY to take the abuse?

It may only need be a few cleaned out. Once word gets around that type of behavior would be tolerated it should reign in any others. Much like it happened here on the boards.

Is it the end of the world? LOL! no, but I think HTC might want to get a handle on it before it becomes a bigger problem.

I like jumping into a mission for one reason only. I don't care if we capture a base, or flatten HQ though I will do my best at what ever task I'm assigned. No, the only reason I join missions is in the hope that there will be a fight along the way. Defenders defending and attackers attacking IS a furball. Thats why we need missions.

I personally would love a rolling plainset of AVA, with the same 10 troops required as the MA. most of the time i go to AVA and its set up for SEC or something with crazy non WWII fiction crap. we need the map to reset, and then a new plainset/time of war in WWII.

I guess what im getting at is if i could go to AVA and the map is "won" then the next map should be different.

While that would be more "realistic" I think the restricting of the plane set would chase more players away then help make game play better. Why pay $15 a month to only be able to fly your favorite plane one week of the month? or one day of the week? It didn't work in WB, I don't see why it would be any different here.

Offline Zerstorer

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Re: Advertising on SimHQ
« Reply #84 on: June 22, 2014, 10:23:58 PM »
Speculation is a dangerous marketing tactic and clearly you are speculating.  There may be just as many players who STAY because of the competitive "nutz".  One of the worst forms of management of ANY kind is "I, therefore, you".  Just because one person hates something doesn't mean everyone does.  I truly have never had an issue with anyone's method of playing this game.  I PREFER to have fights but I like the baserollers, squad horders, furballers and even the "selective extenders".  It doesn't matter what category they classify themselves...

Aces High, by virtue of its design, always unmasks the skilled vs. the unskilled and score is not a measure of either.  Have fun...doing it your way just be very careful of claiming uberness because we already know whether you are...or whether you are not.




The Once and Former Fulcrum

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Offline Triton28

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Re: Advertising on SimHQ
« Reply #85 on: June 23, 2014, 10:38:30 AM »
lololol derp derp
Fighting spirit one must have. Even if a man lacks some of the other qualifications, he can often make up for it in fighting spirit. -Robin Olds

Offline jimson

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Re: Advertising on SimHQ
« Reply #86 on: July 02, 2014, 10:38:06 PM »
I personally would love a rolling plainset of AVA, with the same 10 troops required as the MA. most of the time i go to AVA and its set up for SEC or something with crazy non WWII fiction crap. we need the map to reset, and then a new plainset/time of war in WWII.

I guess what im getting at is if i could go to AVA and the map is "won" then the next map should be different.

If only we could. You see, it would require a specific set of tables connected to each terrain that would load after a reset and a specific list of terrains to be rotated through.

It just can't be done with the current system.

Offline Kodiak

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Re: Advertising on SimHQ
« Reply #87 on: July 13, 2014, 02:40:37 PM »
I had a pilot llicence before finding this game...

Same here, including aerobatics training, and I quickly found out it has nothing to do with succeeding at this game :lol

Offline Swoop

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Re: Advertising on SimHQ
« Reply #88 on: August 05, 2014, 08:51:12 AM »
I don't get why this post is stickie'd.

Offline zack1234

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Re: Advertising on SimHQ
« Reply #89 on: August 06, 2014, 01:46:44 PM »
The moon is moving away from the earth, Skuzzy said :old:
There are no pies stored in this plane overnight

Pipz lived in the Wilderness near Ontario