I was wandering if there could be mega fleets (aka two or more CVs) , i think that would be fun. We did something like that with two fleets on rooks side a couple days ago and was successful in base captures (about 4) also was a large target ( eventually both ships got destroyed) . It was fun for multi missions. Also a mega port for that fleet. 1 mega fleet rest regular fleets and one mega port mega port( 2vh 3 fh and small air strip no bomber hanger and only one ord and fuel like regular ports. what do you guys think???
First thought; sounds good. I believe this warrants further discussion. Overall the concept sounds good.
Question: Will this mega port be readily Identifiable on the map, by a different port icon, or will it have to be "discovered" ?
By being "discovered", I am referring to Recce flights or pilot observations to determine which port is the "mega port".
i.e. the difference between regular and "mega", like the difference between Midway or Pearl Harbor.
Imagine the fights that could happen in attacking such a force. It would take coordination and planning
Just my $0.02 worth on the subject.
Overall, a big +1 to the concept.