Frame 1 Attack on Pearl Harbor...
After receiving our orders for how the attack on Pearl was going to go...I was really excited...I knew that we would catch the U.S. off guard with a southern attack from the airspawn....Ammo gave everyone their cv assignments and we stressed to everyone that in order not to lose a plane you must tower out at your home cv...I had 2 notebook pages filled with cv assignments and different notes of important stuff I had written channels, scout assignments, different grid coordinates, all types of different stuff...I was ready...
When time came...I sat in the tower waiting for people to show up...amped up...I was ready...we had a teamspeak channel for command so I was talking to them and kinda just going over last minute things...finally people started showing up...I started putting them in their proper places...placed the few walkons that we had them very vague orders on account of my orders to not breath a word of what was fixing to guys were we had our briefing...
The guys were blown away when they were told of our true sneak attack on Pearl...I liked it...I knew it would work...we all assembled at the airspawn field...we were ready....Fields are open!!!!GO GO GO!!!
We spawned in and a collective sigh was had by all....some of the guys used the wrong spawn and spawned at the port...but the worst was we had spawned a sector away from our attack planes...oh crap...this can't be good...
I told the guys don't worry...let's go level and haul tail to Pearl...we have to at least get there the same time the attack planes do...when we get there same plan...if your an escort find your group and keep the enemy fighters off of them...I told my cap and sweep guys to just do that...with orders to them to destroy the American fighters on the ground...I felt we were still in good shape...we spotted Hawaii...and oh...there are the attack planes...I still felt we were in good shape...
About a minute and a half before we could see battleship row...I started getting contact calls from the tail end attack planes....also some of my fighters in front of me also had seen contacts...I told everyone to kill everything in sight and stay high...then I spotted a group of about 15 to 20 wildcats co alt hauling tail right towards us...not to mention the p-40s that had been called out that were higher than us...coming in behind us...I was above the vals trying to pick wildcats off of them while trying to evade 3 wildcats on me while trying to check half of my guys that had wildcats and the now diving was chaos...
During this whole ordeal I am trying to tell command that the issue is in I am trying to avoid enemy and stay above them more kept coming in higher...below me was an awful sight of burning zeros and attack planes...I was about that time about 3 guys in p-40s finally got me...I tried to get a count of guys in the tower and was relaying sitreps to command...trying to get a force together for another attack...
Well that crap didn't work out at all...I had guys fighting over Hawaii...I had guys that had taken back off to go help the guys at Hawaii...and I had attack planes screaming at me for new escorts because they had all went down so fast that they had already reupped

...this is getting crazy and out of hand really quickly...
I got with my escort leaders and vectored them as best I could to catch the attack planes...I got with jeffdn and got his guys with me and a couple of guys and we went back with some straggling vals that upped...then the carriers started flashing...I had guys down that I dispatched to defend the carriers...I still had attack planes screaming for escort...I was trying to get with their escort lead so I could tell the attack leads where they were and assure them that support was on the way...we reached pearl for the second time to be summarily killed by 20+ p40s and wildcats....
Back in the tower again I worked to get command sitreps and try to account for all my guys when the sbd and tbm calls started flooding in...upping pts...upping fighters....we beat them off the best we could...swarms of warhawks and wildcats...wave after wave of them...still trying to find my guys and get them in a better position and lead a defense of the carrier fleets....and attack planes now highly pissed, still needed escort...
Well what I didn't realize at the time was everytime the escorts started to head towards Hawaii...they were being intercepted by many fighters...still we kept it up...
By the time the frame was was like time just flew by...I knew I had to make some changes but I didn't really know how bad or good we had done...I was highly distraught I had gotten all my guys killed...multiple times...
Well Midway was in 7 days...time to focus on a new objective...
To be continued....