Do you need to register or can you just show up?
The KOTH events are open to anyone
EuroKOTH ( aka FriKOTH @ 5PM EST ) is held during this time slot so that those who fly over in the European, Asian, Russian, etc areas of the world have a chance to qualify for the KOTH TOC by winning a monthly KOTH event.............. as well as have a time slot that is more fitting for them so they can attend this event and participate
The event normally gets underway right around the 5:00PM EST to 5:10PM EST time when the Hosting KOTH CM starts to go over the KOTH Event Rules...
People can show up early, say like 30 minutes or 20 minutes early and get some free for all practice in before the KOTH CM starts reading the rules.....
I strongly encourage and recommend that all new to this event, to read the Arena Message ( MOTD = Message Of The Day ): here you will find all the rules that the KOTH CM will be going over before the KOTH CM starts the event by announcing planes enabled/runways open, Roll-Roll-Roll!
Everything I typed above in regards as to how the Hosting KOTH CM goes about reading the rules and starting the opening round ( Round 1 ) of the Monthly KOTH event for this coming Friday's EuroKOTH ( FriKOTH ) for July 11th 5:00PM EST, Also applies exactly the same for the alternating months that the USKOTH ( SatKOTH ) events will be held, which are on Saturday Evenings at 8:00 PM EST.........
It does not matter where you live at in the world, if you live in the UK but want to fly in the USKOTH ( SatKOTH ) you are allowed, if you live in the US and want to participate in the EuroKOTH ( FriKOTH ) you are allowed.....
Just be polite, do not chat / text on certain channels as required by the rules while the event is going on ( event meaning during a Round )
Be respectful and Polite to the Hosting KOTH CM, do not interrupt them while they are going over and explaining the rules! The KOTH CM will give anyone and everyone a chance to go over or ask questions regarding any KOTH related stuff that the participant might not fully understand.
I encourage for everyone that loves to participate in KOTH to try and bring at least one new or existing AH player to KOTH
I am pretty sure that Bruv and ROC as well as the CM Staff Team are working deligently to get "KOTH" back to where it is hosting 2 events a month, both the Euro / Fri KOTH & the US / Sat KOTH....... I have full faith in them to bring KOTH back to its regular schedule, as it has always been for the most part...
Thank you sincerely to fuzeman for carrying the torch of KOTH and keeping it lit for more than 10 years........ Thanks also to Betty for stepping up and helping the KOTH Event out as well as E1Diablo for stepping up and helping keep KOTH going......
<S> Everyone!
now come have an absolute blast Friday July 11th 5 PM EST............ and bring some friends..... Some of the best fun and most intense fights I have had in all my years here in Aces High, have came from the KOTH event!
TC ( Johnny )