Author Topic: You know you're getting old when...  (Read 1548 times)

Offline Widewing

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Re: You know you're getting old when...
« Reply #45 on: July 15, 2014, 07:24:13 PM »
Impressive!  Is there anything to which you attribute such a level of success across your group of classmates, any element of upbringing or local culture?

We grew up in an area that was evolving from a rural community. We had five universities within a short drive. (SUNY Stony Brook, Dowling College, SUNY Farmingdale, CW Post and St. Johns (not to mention SCCC, St, Joseph's, NCCC and several others). Some came from blue collar families, farmers and others from more affluent backgrounds. We all grew up on Long Island's Gold Coast. A very high percentage went to college, after attending one of the best school systems in the northeast. Many had fathers who worked for Grumman and Republic. By the same token, we had a percentage of guys and gals who didn't go to college.

Not seen in the photos are a retired Marine Colonel, a retired Army Lt. Colonel, an elected District Attorney. A NASCAR Modified Champion. Dentists, nurses, other school teachers. A Boston College professor. Restaurateurs. Pub Owners. Blue collar highway department foreman. Fire Chief and many other folks who I would call successful in their careers. We also had our share of the dregs too. A few ended up in trouble with the law. Of the 738 students in my graduating class, 61 are known dead and 12 of those died within 2 years of graduation. Two lost in Vietnam, Five lost in accidents, three to disease, one overdose, and a suicide. Most recently, one fellow who was a respected physician in our town, died from complications of leukemia and pneumonia. He was a great guy and doctor. Sorely missed. More than 120 or so have, more or less, disappeared. I recently found one of the missing, working for an aerospace company in New England. She had no real interest in hooking up with old friends, even though she and her husband were invited to a beach party. Some folks simply don't bother.... We did get just over 300 to attend out 40th reunion, most having to travel from out of state. None who came were disappointed. Two dinners, one beach barbecue, and the big dinner at a top Zagat rated restaurant (Three Village Inn, Mirabelle).
My regards,


YGBSM. Retired Member of Aces High Trainer Corps, Past President of the DFC, retired from flying as Tredlite.