I am ready to quit this game and take my money elsewhere due to the absolutely tyrannical moderators, hitech put a leash on these Nazis or find someone who wants to pay to get screwed over for no reason and with no explanation. I just got muted out of the blue for 120 minutes with ZERO reason given and 100% undeserved. I did not type anything whatsoever while playing and did not say much of anything on range chat and certainly nothing that violated ANY rules, I did however use a fair bit of profanity on my squad channel talking to my squaddie I had not seen in a week but what is said on squad vox to a friend is absolutely none of the moderators business and if for some reason it is now I will be cancelling my subscription immediately. This is not what I pay for and I don't appreciate having my service I pay for limited due to some random moody abusive jerk you apparently have deemed fit to give the power to drive off your customers and take away the service they pay for. I have had it with this treatment. I want my months money credited back to me and an apology and explanation or you can guarantee you have just lost a loyal paying customer of many years. I wont tolerate this again, make it right or kiss yet more of your dwindling income goodbye.