Author Topic: Film: A6M5 outrunning a 109G2 ?  (Read 697 times)

Offline Kweassa

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Film: A6M5 outrunning a 109G2 ?
« on: October 23, 2001, 11:18:00 AM »
Hi.. I just filmed a strange sight, and somehow, I can't seem to explain how this guy in a Zero-sen did this to me. No I wasn't shot down, but rather, he just ran away clean and straight, in a level flight... away from a 109G2 I was in, which was near 390mph.. at 22~23k altitude. Did these A6M5s have turbochargers or something?


 I was engaged in a fight with a A6M5 in a 109G2. No matter what I did, couldn't seem to shake him off in a vertical move. I figured it was because probably the Zero was very light in fuel.

 I decide to run the chase up high, where the 109s were known to shine. But nope, he still follows a vertical move. At even 18~19k alt... but this, is also OK with me. I've seen it happen before.

 Now at this point, I start filming. I thought It'd make a good film. I run the fight even higher, and the Zero just blindly chases me over 20k. I think to myself "excellent! Keep on following, dummy."

 Maybe the Zero noticed something's not right. He decides to pull off, and I noticed that he was pulling off at about d2.0. He turns rapidly and heads the other way. I keep my direction for some more seconds, gain few hundred feet more alt, and turn and start the chase.

 I know the distance is long. And I have turned also, in a very low speed. If the Zero decides to just dive away straight down, I won't follow him.. but he does not. When I start my shallow dive, accelerating and gaining speed, I notice something is wrong.

 The Zero is now at about 4.0 distance. Lower than me. He probably dived a little to extend and gain speed. I thought to my self "So, how far can you go like that?".

 But something's not right. the Zero stops his shallow dive, and as I near my 109G2 top speed, at it's prime altitude of 22~23k, the distance is not closing, rather, the Zero is actually running away from me!

 Then suddenly, as if a BnZ fighter would to gain alt at a safe distance, he starts upaward in a shallow angle. Ok, I'll surely get him now.. he continues gaing alt, almost co-alt with me at 21~22k. I look at my speedometer, it is near 390mph. If I recall correctly, 109G2s do about that much at over 20k...

 And to my astonishment, the Zero gains even more distance! 4.8... 4.9... 5.0... A zero, after a climb, can outrun a straight and level going 109G2 at 22k?? Even if he had collected much speed in some way I didn't see, how can he keep that speed up like that?


 I was amazed and alarmed. I broke off. Ended recording, and checked the film.

 Another thing I notice strange..

 I have seen all kinds of glitches and errors with film, but always, always there are planes correctly shown. The glitches are usually with damage thingies, graphical errors or such.

 But when the film is turned on, the Zero isn't there. At the point where the film begins, the Zero should be behind my tail, chasing my climb, then pulling off. But nope. It is not there.

 Then after about 10 seconds or so, with a sudden engine pass-by sound, the Zero first appears in film at distance 4.8 in front of me. This is when I was chasing it. All through the actual event, I have never lost the Zero from my sight. And in the film, the Zero isn't there. Something's not right.

 So n the film, you will see a zero in a shallow dive at 4.8, and me also in a shallow dive chasing it, and the zero climbing up almost co-alt with me, and I reach about 390mph, and the Zero outrunning me from there.

 Plz look at it and tell me what you guys think.  :(

Offline Kweassa

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Film: A6M5 outrunning a 109G2 ?
« Reply #1 on: October 23, 2001, 11:21:00 AM »
Oop, press the 'null' in the upper post.

 A web page will appear, and soon, the download will automatically commence.

  :) Please somebody explain it to me.

 Could it be a hack?? I hope not..

Offline AcId

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Film: A6M5 outrunning a 109G2 ?
« Reply #2 on: October 23, 2001, 11:27:00 AM »
I clicked the null but it just pops a page that wants a login ?

Offline Kweassa

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Film: A6M5 outrunning a 109G2 ?
« Reply #3 on: October 23, 2001, 11:27:00 AM »
I viewed the film again.

 This time, the Zero is shown.. but the direction is somehow wrong.. I saw him on my target sight, and he is represented as if he's 11 O'clock to me...


 Geez.. what's going on??

Offline Kweassa

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Film: A6M5 outrunning a 109G2 ?
« Reply #4 on: October 23, 2001, 11:35:00 AM »

 Sorry about that.. know any site I may upload this to, which doesn't require a log-in??


Offline Am0n

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Film: A6M5 outrunning a 109G2 ?
« Reply #5 on: October 23, 2001, 11:46:00 AM »
Sounds strange, even physicly speaking he shoulda have been around 2k at most after he started his incline when running, very odd indeed.

i wanna see this film when you get it working.

Offline AcId

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Film: A6M5 outrunning a 109G2 ?
« Reply #6 on: October 23, 2001, 12:48:00 PM »
If you e-mail it to me at I can put it on a page for you.

Offline AcId

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Film: A6M5 outrunning a 109G2 ?
« Reply #7 on: October 24, 2001, 08:04:00 AM »
For anyone who wants to view this I put it here -->Film

I looked over the film a couple times (braveing the crashes)

IMHO I didn't see anything out of the ordinary, Initialy you went from a shallow dive to 3kfpm climb for a short period and you probably should have dove a bit more to gain more speed, you really werent going that fast, but on the other hand it was a zero at about 20k. In case you didnt know that zero had a good pilot at the stick, GTR, and he usually dosn't make stupid mistakes and likes to stay fast and not blow his E, thats why I say you may not have been going fast enough. He also appeared to dive twice, (I could be wrong) gaining a little speed.

[ 10-24-2001: Message edited by: AcId ]

Offline svalan

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Film: A6M5 outrunning a 109G2 ?
« Reply #8 on: October 24, 2001, 08:54:00 AM »
the a6m have only the speed of 375 with luck at 20k or above and the 109G2 more then 400 above 20k the a6m never could outrun the G2 impossible ....... even with diving .....
just look at peformance of aircraft and i tested it no way .

svalan    :cool:

Offline Kweassa

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Film: A6M5 outrunning a 109G2 ?
« Reply #9 on: October 24, 2001, 11:59:00 AM »
Thanks for the answers  :)

 Really am glad it was nothing out of ordinary.. and sort of embarassed too  :) Guess there are lots of thing I still am not familiar with even after months.


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Film: A6M5 outrunning a 109G2 ?
« Reply #10 on: October 24, 2001, 01:01:00 PM »
Shouldn't an A6M at 400mph be ripping its wings off?????  :confused:

Offline AcId

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Film: A6M5 outrunning a 109G2 ?
« Reply #11 on: October 24, 2001, 01:18:00 PM »
If you look closely at the film the 109 was not at 375mph until late in the engagement. In the begining the 109 appeared to be closing traveling about 350mph, but then went into a 3k fpm climb toward the zero, then leveling around 23k or so heading E, at which time he was travelling about 300mph and from what I can tell the zero went into a very shallow dive heading NE gaining Vertical seperation as well as distance. then the 109 initiated a very shallow dive to gain some speed back up to approx 375mph and leveling off. Then the zero dove hard beneath the clouds heading home which the 109 did not follow.

Offline Westy MOL

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Film: A6M5 outrunning a 109G2 ?
« Reply #12 on: October 24, 2001, 01:22:00 PM »
"Shouldn't an A6M at 400mph be ripping its wings off?????"

It's a late war A6M5 that's a lot beefier than earlier models. Why would you think it should rip it's wings at 400mph? Is that based on another flight games setting, actual  tests or wartime combat/pilot reports?



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Film: A6M5 outrunning a 109G2 ?
« Reply #13 on: October 24, 2001, 01:33:00 PM »
Cause I though A6M5 was a piece of "Origami"  :D

Offline SKurj

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Film: A6M5 outrunning a 109G2 ?
« Reply #14 on: October 24, 2001, 03:05:00 PM »
zeke can do more than 400 and not rip, its not the speed so much as the pullout that rips the wings.
