Author Topic: Knights CV  (Read 1585 times)

Offline Tinkles

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Re: Knights CV
« Reply #15 on: August 24, 2014, 11:56:45 PM »
I do agree with you that sometimes it sounds suspicious.  there was a time when I was in command of a cv, back when my rank used to be in the 200's.  I dodged no less than 8 sets of bombers while allowing our planes to take off as they were attacking the base.

I think I was in control sitting in the tower over 30 minutes.  the minute another set of bombers sank the cv then I was called stupid and blah, blah, blah.  I had asked repeatedly for guys to destroy the ammo bunkers on the base we were attacking.  that's where all the bombers came from.

there was another time I caught this guy moving 5 fleets to the same point on the map.  I took several pictures and sent them to ht.  but those are rare.

most of the time the cv gets sunk because nobody is in charge of it.


I agree.
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Offline Aspen

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Re: Knights CV
« Reply #16 on: August 25, 2014, 12:31:08 PM »
As above, most CVs I see sunk were not commanded and there were dozens of players who could have turned it.   Some of which wasted time yelling on vox to turn it and yelling after about how stupid his countrymen are.  Apparently not occurring to him that he had the exact same tools at his disposal to turn it?
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Offline Tinkles

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Re: Knights CV
« Reply #17 on: August 25, 2014, 02:04:21 PM »
As above, most CVs I see sunk were not commanded and there were dozens of players who could have turned it.   Some of which wasted time yelling on vox to turn it and yelling after about how stupid his countrymen are.  Apparently not occurring to him that he had the exact same tools at his disposal to turn it?

I find it funny when some players in the manned guns or flying around the cv say "bombers Inbound turn the cv" and don't do anything.  I've just sat or took off sometimes to see if someone else would do it, sometimes they do, most of the time they don't. Either way, they still yell at the person who turned it or everyone if no-one touched it.

If we have something to show we will & do post shots, if we have nothing new to show we don't.
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Offline lunatic1

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Re: Knights CV
« Reply #18 on: August 29, 2014, 10:51:17 AM »
in that case let's make it fair.   Once you lose 4 airplanes in combat you very kicked out for 1 hr.

dang it this means i would never get to fly. or gv
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Offline EagleDNY

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Re: Knights CV
« Reply #19 on: August 31, 2014, 07:03:44 PM »
I think many of the CV "problems" are because the ack is turned way down on them.   I kill a LOT of CVs - it is easy because all I have to do is come in a 5-6K at 300 knots in a box of Tu-2s and if it is not under active control with the guns manned, there is no way in hell the CV is not going to get hit.   Even if it is under active control, at that altitude I can put the bombs where you will be if I see the CV turn.   I may not get ALL of them on you, which means you MIGHT live, but the odds are not good.   If the CV ack is manned, the 5" gunner will usually get a drone on the way in (and a really good guy can get all 3), but that does not happen very often.

What are the true causes of the problem here?

1.  Poor AAA.  There is no way in hell that a single box of 3 bombers should survive the auto-ack on the way in at 5K.  As it is now, there is virtually no chance that the puffy will stop my run, and by the time the auto ack even opens fire I am in the scope dropping the bombs.   This should change, and get dialed way back up.   A single pilot making a run at a CV group is a suicide run - you are coming in against a dozen or so 5" guns with proximity fused ammo, backed up by a load of 40mms popping away at you.   It darn well ought to look and feel like it, even if the CV is not manned by another player.

2.  Dumb ship control.   If not manned, the CV just blindly continues on a nice straight course just asking to be hit by a bomb.   Even if manned, all you can do at the helm is set a new waypoint and watch the ship start to turn on the exact same arc every time.   The CV helm needs an update, with the addition of a "zig zag" mode that will have the "helmsman" zig zag randomly along a base course.  I would also like to see some rudder options and the ability to set a compass heading - click N, and "standard rudder" and you get a gentle turn to the N or click S and "full rudder" and you get that hard evasive turn to the S.  Perhaps that way every CV turn isn't instantly destructive to everyone taking off, and a zig-zag course through a CV spawn isn't a guaranteed death to a CV.  I also would like for an unmanned CV to start zig zagging automatically along its base course whenever the dar starts flashing. 

3.  No warning time.   Face it, with a 12-mile dar circle and me coming in at 300 knots you just do not have enough time to up and intercept an incoming raid even if you wanted to.   By the time you are off the deck and climbing, I'm dropping my load and watching your CV turn into a U-Boat.  The CV is a strategic asset (perhaps the #1 strategic asset in the game), and it deserves a radar circle that allows players enough time to rise to its defense.   At least double it to 24 miles (and you can make a case to go higher than that given the history of CV groups using radar pickets vs kamikazes to extend their radar coverage).  Frankly, I'd say you can make a case for ALL base radar to go to 24 miles and the CV go to 36 miles, but that is an argument for another thread.

Offline pembquist

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Re: Knights CV
« Reply #20 on: September 01, 2014, 01:32:49 PM »
Last night a red cv was shelling a green base. I saw on the map our cv was headed towards it. I got in the guns and sank the red cruiser, the red carrier, they got the green cruiser, I was trying to use the 5" on the green carrier but it kept lunging past where I was aiming it, (sometimes the ship guns have a mind of their own, that our they make the whole view vibrate,) finally the red destroyers sink the green carrier. The point of this story is that this is late night with no one on and after sinking the red boat I am begging the idiot who has control to turn the green boat away. (I'm the only gunner they have more than one.) There is no response from captain suicidal. How about this, if I wanted to turn that boat but didn't outrank the commander he would have to at a minimum respond to a popup to keep control but preferrably have to  bail and come on board to keep control.

What is with the guns anyway? Aside from overshooting when traversing and jitteryness, the other problems I have are that the range jumps at the low end making close shots sometimes impossible and whenever I get into sea mode the white crosshairs start way off and have to be scrolled over with the mouse, which is in ultra slow mode, until you can see the yellow "thing".
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Offline WEZEL

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Re: Knights CV
« Reply #21 on: September 01, 2014, 09:43:42 PM »
Even better solution, Knights should never ever be allows to have CV's...........EVER!!! Problem solved. :bolt:

Offline matt

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Re: Knights CV
« Reply #22 on: September 02, 2014, 12:28:01 AM »

Offline Chilli

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Re: Knights CV
« Reply #23 on: September 05, 2014, 05:09:26 PM »
Just to be clear............  Gilligan runs the fleets into PT spawns and Shore Battery range to rescue Mary Anne.

McHale sets the coordinates in a straight line to Urulu's island to offload his latest ...... um supplies.

But seriously, part of the control issue and sunken Carriers are due to a number of game limitations, either by design or just not very high priority to fix.

Eagle touched on some very good ones.  I would like to add to that list

- the fishtail effect on fleets as well as all vehicles (future wishlist item for me, try getting a jeep to go straight after a slight turn) makes it difficult and undesirable at times to steer fleets.

- turning the fleet while in land mode looses all the target information that took you several minutes to acquire (much easier to control fleet from tower or plane)

- lag time after the ship command is entered, often leads to multiple commanders steering, when sometimes the first guy had it right, the subsequent movements merely put the brakes on the fleet at the worst possible time.

Offline icepac

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Re: Knights CV
« Reply #24 on: September 06, 2014, 08:50:25 PM »
It's funny when you see a message in the buffer of someone moving a cv and you can see his icon in tank town.