I am personally already a little miffed at some of the midstream changes that have taken place
Sorry for the delayed response here, also sorry that you feel that way. This years challenge was bound to hit some random variables that were unplanned for and totally unexpected. I might as well bring this up now, but some things are going to change again. After the end of the 2014 series, while the awards and shirts are snail mailed, we (CMs and participants) are going to discuss some changes and ideas in how things are done, and the slate will be wiped clean and we will start a new challenge for 2015 beginning in January. (edit: I shouldn't say wiped clean as the final scores will be kept up, I just mean that it will be a new challenge and everyone will be at 0 again.)
As for the Ack settings, it is still being mulled over as the next Challenge VIII will be announced soon.
I appreciate your patience and concern and good luck in the remaining challenges. <S>