Author Topic: A dedicated map for GV enthusiasts  (Read 1798 times)

Offline alpini13

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Re: A dedicated map for GV enthusiasts
« Reply #15 on: October 01, 2014, 01:18:08 PM »
if you want more realism...well then planes are a big part of gv battles in REAL life......oh,was that TOO real........ok,then how about if your commander is using binoculars or has his head out of the turret,he should be able to be pilot wounded or killed,by small machinegun fire or shrapnel....... :eek:

Offline guncrasher

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Re: A dedicated map for GV enthusiasts
« Reply #16 on: October 01, 2014, 02:26:43 PM »
Can you keep the crater map available on the list of maps to select when entering the program or one like that please?

Since 1999, you know there is a droning sameness in strategy that is systemic to most maps, so that crater gv play helps alleviate the boredome, which is inevitable. Maybe remove the icons as viewed from planes altogether as well with the added feature of being able to dismount a tank or vehicle for recon. A tard in a plane will have to assure the gv is not friendly, as is the case in merged front line battles everywhere.

you ever participate in heavy metal thursday?  pure tank war in the ava.

you dont want me to ho, dont point your plane at me.

Offline Tinkles

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Re: A dedicated map for GV enthusiasts
« Reply #17 on: October 01, 2014, 03:11:04 PM »
It isn't about "me" or me starting anything. It has to do with terrain and the unique confrontation for gv's as is provided by crater. The maps that have this are usually quite popular in their TT's provided there aren't large numbers of tards who easily fly into the area and ejaculate bombs.  :eek:

For me, the fun is marksmanship, maneuvering, and stealth combined with patience not wasted upon banal landscapes having vast distances from known spawn areas, and then come the tards like giant matriarchal morbid nannies ruining the fun. There is a lot to be said for fun. There doesn't have to be only one kind of fun as if the current genre of mappery fun are somehow sacred religious institutions and we shall not conceive of anything else.  :devil Typical stodgy human nature to dampen innovation.   :bhead

This thread was simply observing the obvious fun & involvement of a high-alt remote tank-play areas the likes of which crater has. Even then, when only tank engagements are desired, they cannot be found with good geography. The taking of those high bases is not the goal up there. I don't think we ever have as if that is fun?  It really has the most participation in one area of all the maps in any genre of the battle over the longest time of day. And we all like it so, why not create a map, trimmed to have that kind of environ permanently accessible. Maybe some new physics available as mentioned. The enthusiasm for what maps we have now would be evident by the maps being populated, if these maps and venues were attractive. Maybe I'm wrong but the gv DA is like two gunslingers in front of a saloon at 50 paces. That gets old or it would be crammed with guys in it.

 There are a few maps that have these areas we go to. Like A141 and 135, I haven't seen that one lately. Then V85 on the shore etc. But these are only two nations confronting each other. I say combine a few of them reproducing these popular areas, somehow combining all 3 nations in a map on its own. How perverse and extreme is that?

It isn't about leadership to motivate here, it is about the fun the map actually provides. But you knew all that. That is why it should be about me & a huge sales effort. I can't sell a map that isn't fun in its topography and settings. Maybe you can. :salute
Go for it turn your icons off. Just because you want them off for others doesn't mean everyone else does, so please yourself and turn em off :).  If you end up dying a lot, just remember, you wanted it !  :aok
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Offline c H e F

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Re: A dedicated map for GV enthusiasts
« Reply #18 on: October 01, 2014, 06:40:48 PM »
if you want more realism...well then planes are a big part of gv battles in REAL life......oh,was that TOO real........ok,then how about if your commander is using binoculars or has his head out of the turret,he should be able to be pilot wounded or killed,by small machinegun fire or shrapnel....... :eek:

Yeah, the whole thing is about turning off icons, Sheesh  :bhead

Nor is it about "*reality". It is about fun & gamer immersion. Now I haven't done an AvA on thursdays. I will. What map is used? Why is it not popular?

What makes the crater TT so popular?

But I might evaluate it with a little bit more than whether it is a "super reality" or an icons-off venue. There are many more things to modify/consider than these two, the two typical gnats most intramural critics bring up as ingenious, presumed to be high value issues. But we all knew that right? Hmmm maybe not.

If you read about the battle of Kursk, aviation was there but it was highly overrated by both sides. I've read numerous sources that confirm this. Debates settle around 10 + into the teens of kills on each side to air attack. This was heralded as the largest tank battle ever until desert Storm, citing a massive AT aircraft compliment too. You might read this man's research to get "reality" about air AT attacks during WW2. It should help one to realize that the kings of gratuitous TT air swarming, even elevated to an intoxicant of abusive tarding in AH have no source in reality. But you knew that right. Of course they will beat their adolescent hairless chests as if they represent "reality". Nonsense.   :uhoh That is the profile of a tard. :lol
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Offline Lusche

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Re: A dedicated map for GV enthusiasts
« Reply #19 on: October 01, 2014, 07:27:15 PM »
Now I haven't done an AvA on thursdays. I will. What map is used? Why is it not popular?

Because it's not in the LW MA

What makes the crater TT so popular?

Because it's in the LW MA
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Offline c H e F

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Re: A dedicated map for GV enthusiasts
« Reply #20 on: October 01, 2014, 09:57:31 PM »

Because it's not in the LW MA

Because it's in the LW MA

You cite and assert this as empirical evidence. It's insufficient. Let's move on to provenance.  :old: Why?

If the venue is open 24/7, and the map terrain and details are at least catered to GV's and intense as the crater TT area, then you'd have the right take or observation.

However, if there are other variables, and any differences in the map(s), then your assertion cannot be empirical, it is only anecdotal or opinion.  :cheers:

What is the map AvA uses? Do they rotate through many , one or an exclusive map? If you know then good, let me know so I can evaluate your position. I don't know yet. Will have a look.

One last thing. I've not read nor heard anything about this venue among the tankers in the MA LW chat lines. (I don't go to these forums but once a year or so). If it was all that, then the tankers would be excited about the venue and calling into the MA for tankers to come over into it to participate. Never seen it myself. But there is always a first time. I do see requests for all other special events every week, calls out to guys to come into a variety of air based challenges and reenactments etc. :P
« Last Edit: October 02, 2014, 12:15:00 AM by c H e F »
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Offline c H e F

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Re: A dedicated map for GV enthusiasts
« Reply #21 on: October 01, 2014, 10:13:57 PM »
Incidentally..........Some interesting facts about air power at Kursk."The climax of Operation Citadel, the Battle of Kursk, involved as many as 6,000 tanks, 4,000 aircraft and 2 million fighting men and is remembered as the greatest tank battle in history."

German tanks involved: 3000 (using a 50/50 split with Russians). Of those lost only 90 from Ruskie aircraft
Russian tanks involved : 3000 of those only 150 taken out by Nazi air.
Seriously, this somehow supports the tardlets of AH?  This belief  has to be the greatest cool aid dementia  :rolleyes: of all virtual combat sims

"The rough statistics of the Kursk battle are that the Germans entered the battle with 2100 aircraft in the front line formations. The Soviets entered the battle with about 2900 aircraft (will post a more accurate OB in my next posts). The Russians lost approximately 4 times as many aircraft as the germans (there is a lot of dispute about the figures however, which I hope to explain in the thread). The effects of the bombers for both sides are vastly overstated.....perhaps 90 tanks destroyed by the Soviets from air strikes, whilst the germans may have destroyed as many as 150 Soviet medium or heavy tanks with their stukas, if they were lucky."
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Offline Lusche

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Re: A dedicated map for GV enthusiasts
« Reply #22 on: October 01, 2014, 10:53:59 PM »
You cite asd asset this as empirical evidence. It's insufficient. Let's move on to provenance.  :old: Why?

If the venue is open 24/7, and the map terrain and details are at least catered to GV's and intense as the crater TT area, then you'd have the right take or observation.

However, if there are other variables, and any differences in the map(s), then your assertion cannot be empirical, it is only anecdotal or opinion.  :cheers:

I came to this simplified conclusion by observing player behaviour for some years.
Players tend to go where the majority of other players are, and where they got the most gameplay options. For the most part, they go where (almost) everyone else is (LW) and then decide what they will do there depending on the situation and options.
For example there are many players that prefer the more balanced planeset of MW, but still play mostly LW - because that's where the players at. Other players would like to visit the WW1 arena on a more regular base, but don't do it because of the low palyer numbers.

LW has the numbers and a huge variety of gameplay options, so players prefer this arena over any other by large.
And that's why craterma is such a 'success' compared to vehicle setup AvA or Gv special events - it's the LWMA, and people are already going there, no matter what. We had the Heavy Metal Sunday events, specifically tailored to tankers... yet the majority of tankers in game ignored it.

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Offline c H e F

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Re: A dedicated map for GV enthusiasts
« Reply #23 on: October 02, 2014, 12:14:16 AM »

I came to this simplified conclusion by observing player behaviour for some years.
Players tend to go where the majority of other players are, and where they got the most gameplay options. For the most part, they go where (almost) everyone else is (LW) and then decide what they will do there depending on the situation and options.
For example there are many players that prefer the more balanced planeset of MW, but still play mostly LW - because that's where the players at. Other players would like to visit the WW1 arena on a more regular base, but don't do it because of the low palyer numbers.

LW has the numbers and a huge variety of gameplay options, so players prefer this arena over any other by large.
And that's why craterma is such a 'success' compared to vehicle setup AvA or Gv special events - it's the LWMA, and people are already going there, no matter what. We had the Heavy Metal Sunday events, specifically tailored to tankers... yet the majority of tankers in game ignored it.

That conclusion is specious. :headscratch: The players go where they like to play. They are there first due to choosing the actual fun of the scheme of that part of the map. You have set up a circular position statement having no  provenance. This again is why they all max out their participation in the crater TT. They will even sit there alone waiting for players to arrive. They go there because it is a fun setting, properly designed, not just from loneliness  :D

Also right now the "Tankz" map is in AvA. All I can say is that after I flew around TT, it is not attractive at all to GV battling. There are several reasons for this. The spawn area is flat and has no features, no character to speak of, especially hills and valleys, no perches & mountaintops to secure, things to revet in, the grass looks uber lush like the greens from a golf course in the Philippines if you were on acid...banal setting. All Aircraft available at every base, even VH's lol. This poor GV map is no testament of proof  that guys having the instinct only of gregarious birds flitting to flock to one another with no a consideration to terrain. That just isn't a good analysis. GV'rs show up to what they want to do. Within regular maps, the dull ones for gv'rs, sure they go where the action is. That is not the scenario to consider. I'm talking about new or specific kinds of maps for GV'rs.

So is there another AvA map that could prove your point? I say trim the crater map and install it for a week or so fro starters. See if it gets traffic. I doubt it will not need a label of LW MA. It can just can bill itself as "A good old tanking map, come try it out".
« Last Edit: October 02, 2014, 12:21:08 AM by c H e F »
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Offline Xavier

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Re: A dedicated map for GV enthusiasts
« Reply #24 on: October 02, 2014, 01:19:14 AM »
I can condense this thread's intention in a single sentence:

Started from the bottom...still at the bottom.

Offline MrKrabs

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Re: A dedicated map for GV enthusiasts
« Reply #25 on: October 02, 2014, 01:29:10 AM »
I can condense this thread's intention in a single sentence:


Pretty much...
The boiling pot is put away and the crab has gone back to sea...

Offline The Fugitive

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Re: A dedicated map for GV enthusiasts
« Reply #26 on: October 02, 2014, 11:05:51 AM »
Lusche is correct. Case in point, when the arenas were first split into ew, mw, and lw they were listed in that order. For the first few day ew had all the players. It wasn't populated because it was what the players were looking for in fun. It was populated because it was first on the list and that was were everyone's else was.

Offline c H e F

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Re: A dedicated map for GV enthusiasts
« Reply #27 on: October 02, 2014, 11:28:28 AM »
The idea WHY "everyone is there" or anywhere has not been addressed. Only restated as a rather shallow position statement. Insufficient & irrational.
This isn't just about the bombing tanks, that is part of the game play, but not primary. It is about how easy it is VS the fantasies of examples many juveniles might think.
For example, on the bridge scene where Hanks died, screaming tree top level P-51's never took out and pin pointed a tiger tank in one pass as was shown in Saving Private Ryan, just because they are called "tank busters" lol But the giddy tards of AH think this scene was emotionally fulfilling being  accurate and spout how they are participating in "reality". Give me a break.

I agree about bombing tanks when a field is in threatened. Go for it. But when tanks are simply trying to engage each other, not advancing to take a base, solely for GV action alone, tarding is annoying. So, all I said was to make it harder for air to see them, and model the munition effectiveness, the percentage or kill ratio to reflect the Kursk battle for example.
If this were true about this thread only being a tard whine, then the thread could be further reduced to one word "whine". :lol
There are also too many suggestions and elevated analysis to classify this thread as a whine, but just what it is, a "wish list".
But what is true is that it is a cue for others to whine about whines that are inapplicable here, revealing their own fixations. Now that is true. :ahand
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Offline Zoney

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Re: A dedicated map for GV enthusiasts
« Reply #28 on: October 02, 2014, 11:45:03 AM »
Chef, I suggest you suck it up and be a man, your "wish" is really just a "whine" because you do not like how some people play.

GV's have already been gifted very short Icon's so you can hide from the aircraft, but the aircraft don't have a short icon to the GV's.  GV's are also allowed to instantly spawn in when the aircraft have to actually fly to the area.

It is real simple, if you do not want to be bombed by aircraft in a GV then get in a aircraft and fight the other aircraft.
« Last Edit: October 02, 2014, 11:47:09 AM by Zoney »
Wag more, bark less.

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Re: A dedicated map for GV enthusiasts
« Reply #29 on: October 02, 2014, 12:32:16 PM »
What you posted:

But the giddy tards of AH think this scene was emotionally fulfilling being  accurate and spout how they are participating in "reality". Give me a break.

What I read:

Started from the bottom...still at the bottom.