Author Topic: <S> Knits and Bish  (Read 389 times)

Offline wpeters

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<S> Knits and Bish
« on: October 13, 2014, 09:58:16 AM »
Had some of the most fun Saturday night that I have had in months.. One fights that afterwards your hands shake from adrenlinel..  (might be because I was on the deck 3 sorties in a row in a 262. )   At one point counted 8 planes behind me one was also a enemy duce. I think it was knit.   Loved every second.

Also had some good laughs at some of your goons.  At one point durning the fighting, while we were being vulched heavely 3 goons came and dropped troops over town while it was still red flag.   Was a lot a laughing going on...

<S> Wizzy..  Amazing talents with your wirble... Not many planes flew by with out getting holes from him.... :salute

These are the types of fights that I love. Huge furball being picked :rock

One the funniest things that happened was while I was lifting off from the field in a A-20 ( FTH were down) vulched me and took both elevators and rudder.  HE auged out and I landed on my belly on the runway and got the You have landed successfully...  :rofl :lol

Like I said had a lot fun.... <S> knits and bish for my entertaiment.   Was a awesome comedian show..... :cheers: :banana:
          The Damned
Fighter pilots are either high, or in the process of getting high.🙊
The difference between Dweebs and non dweebs... Dweebs have kills