Author Topic: FIVE Easy Things to Improve the Game NOW  (Read 5591 times)

Offline TheRapier

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FIVE Easy Things to Improve the Game NOW
« on: October 13, 2014, 07:00:12 PM »
This post has been eating at me a long time. This game is dying on its feet. I’ve been watching the arena numbers shrink week by week.  Anyone who thinks otherwise has their eyes willfully shut. One only needs to see that the game only rarely breaks 300 players, even at peak. As a MMO game, it’s only viable for about 3 hours a day out of 24. That is insufficient for long term survival. 

This post is based on 16+ years of game and software engineering experience including building WWII MMO Air Combat games. Believe me, don’t believe, I don’t really care. I’m not here to play “debate”. This is addressed to HTC and they can either read it or not. It is, after all, their livelihood. If they choose to ignore, so be it. My conscience will be clear as I at least pointed to the obvious fixes before it was too late. 

All of the below suggestions are based on these simple ideas. First 3 are the most important. The last two refer to ways to evaluate and build new features.
a.   THE GOAL IS TO KEEP MORE PLAYERS PLAYING OVER MORE TIME: Not just GVers, not just base takers, not just furballers, not just bombers, but more players. If the current player population, plays for longer periods, that effectively increases the numbers playing which will in turn encourage new players to play. Any player that comes into the arenas in the off-times now, WILL leave because there is nothing to do.
b.   BENEFIT THE GREATEST NUMBER OF PLAYERS ALL THE TIME: Aces High is too SMALL to cater to special interest fanboy groups. Features that worked when the arena held 1000+ now have negative effects on the small population. Features benefiting a small segment to the detriment of the rest need to go.
c.   MORE PLAYER INTERACTIONS IS BETTER THAN FEW: Whether people want to admit it or not, interactions over time is what drives MMOs. Whatever increases these interactions is a good thing.
d.   SOLID COMPREHENSIBLE GAME PLAY: It is a cop out to say that AH has a steep learning curve and just leave it there. A player should be able to take off, find a fight, shoot, drop bombs and rockets, without asking anyone for help. Please get, I didn’t say they need to be successful, but only be able to do the basics. If a player can’t discover how it works, then they aren’t going to be playing.
e.   ONLY INTRODUCE COMPLETE AND EASILY UNDERSTOOD FEATURES: Again, if they can’t understand it, they aren’t going to it. So all the coding done to make it happen is a waste of time. Figure out how they figure it out before you build it. If you can’t, you need to seriously re-think whether you should build it at all.

New features are NOT going to save the game. No killer new feature will instantly repopulate the arenas. No graphics update or new vehicles/planes are going to reverse this trend. What will save the game is people being able to actually PLAY against each other.

As the first four are all subtractions there should be a minimum of new code required. Fifth one is the least important but still an annoyance.

1.   GET RID OF THE BIG MAPS – NOW! Particularly after 1 am EST. You can meet (a) and (c) above by just this. Recognize the world has CHANGED. AH is not drawing the numbers it was. It won’t get back to those numbers unless players can find each other and interact. In the beginning, when the game was small, you had smaller maps. Why do you think a ginormous map will work now? Having a handful of players on a giant map is like a small number of BB’s in a 55 gallon oil drum. Yes, they may meet but the frequency will be low. This is obvious NOW. Hold off on new features until you have a complete set of appropriate size maps. This may require you to build them yourselves. A complete set of maps is the single most important thing to focus on.
2.   GET RID OF ENY, PARTICULARLY WHEN THE ARENA HAS LESS THAN 100 PEOPLE IN IT: ENY as a balancing mechanism is dubious. It may function to get people to try different planes but is that really the goal? Here is what everyone figures out. In most cases, I and my countrymen are going to be flying inferior planes. I’ve seen nearly a whole country log out when ENY kicks in late at night. You can argue whether the high ENY planes are truly inferior, but no one really cares about your subtext of “I’m virtuous and a good pilot cause I fly a high ENY plane ALL the time”. It’s a not very subtle way of tooting your own horn.  The end result is people log off. Who wants to stay on to get a pounding? See (a) above.
3.   GET RID OF THE “FEATURE” THAT A SINGLE BOMBER OR SMALL GROUP OF BOMBERS CAN KNOCK OUT THE RADAR FOR A COUNTRY. What is the best outcome of this feature? You make one bomber pilot happy, perhaps some proportion of his countrymen happy and you make 1/3 of the people on line (one country) leave or want to leave. Guess what? They do! If you must implement something like this, for crying out loud, put a radar ring around the target!! It makes NO SENSE that every podunk airbase and vbase has radar but the big strategic targets do not have any radar coverage at all.
4.   GET RID OF THE JETS: This violates (b) above. You make a very small percentage of people who have the perks happy and you tick off everyone else. A well flown 262 or 163 is very, very difficult to shoot down. It may not get lots of kills but it won’t get shot down. The pilot has to make a mistake to get shot down. With the small numbers, this is more likely because ENY will get out of whack. For the most part, these are being flown by guys who can get kills in other planes (this is why they have perks to spare), they don’t need these. They love these because it allows them to indulge in low risk, baby seal clubbing. Meanwhile all their opponents have to spend a lot of time watching for these opportunists. Putting them back into regular planes only evens the playing field. This allows a privileged few make 1/3 of the people get frustrated and want to leave.  How does that help?
5.   FIX THE ACROBATIC BOMBERS! Here is how real bombers work. They do not loop and roll as it makes it difficult for the crew to do their jobs. 5 to 10 individuals work the various guns in the plane. They have different skill levels, different visibility limitations and these are impacted by the maneuvers and G’s pulled by the plane. Though the plane might handle it, gunners would NOT be able to shoot much above 2 G’s with any accuracy at all. In the current implementation, I’ve seen bombers pulling loops and rolls, firing all the time. ALL gunners shoot at the skill level of the best gunner in the plane, with perfect visibility.
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Offline USCH

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Re: FIVE Easy Things to Improve the Game NOW
« Reply #1 on: October 13, 2014, 07:10:54 PM »
I would like radar at all starts and HQ. Also if bombers fly in such a way that the crew would most likely get knocked out or die, maybe they should die hence making the bomber defenseless.

Maps, well ya we have beaten that horse.

Offline caldera

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Re: FIVE Easy Things to Improve the Game NOW
« Reply #2 on: October 13, 2014, 07:15:54 PM »
This post has been eating at me a long time.

By the time you finished that Magna Carta, I believe you.   :)

Since you want to get rid of the jets, can also we get rid of the next fastest planes like, I don't know, the P-51?  :D
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Offline glzsqd

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Re: FIVE Easy Things to Improve the Game NOW
« Reply #3 on: October 13, 2014, 07:16:50 PM »
lol, get rid of jets?

See Rule #4

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Re: FIVE Easy Things to Improve the Game NOW
« Reply #4 on: October 13, 2014, 08:36:10 PM »
it's well thought out and well written, honest, but HTC has made it perfectly clear that no one knows more then HTC when it comes to this game.  Enjoy the new pretty water and watch the game was we knew it over the last 14 years die a slow death.  At some point the numbers will no longer pay the freight and HiTech has some very expensive hobbies.  When that happens, the doors will close and the lights go out.
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Offline Oldman731

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Re: FIVE Easy Things to Improve the Game NOW
« Reply #5 on: October 13, 2014, 08:55:07 PM »
My conscience will be clear as I at least pointed to the obvious fixes before it was too late. 

Your first three suggested changes seem to be supported by a fairly large group of players.  Four and Five are comparatively petty and probably would turn away as many as they would attract.  Congrats for a well-thought-out, if mildly belligerent, post.  We all want to see AH keep going.

- oldman

Offline bustr

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Re: FIVE Easy Things to Improve the Game NOW
« Reply #6 on: October 13, 2014, 09:00:07 PM »
1-4 is on the money for AH2 as is with it's low numbers. But, that many changes have a plethora of unintended consequences as a sudden overnight universal change. 

I have yet in 12 years to fight a looping bomber. So that is a toss up. I chase a lot of bombers in which the pilot knows how to foil single plane attacks and make you use up wep and ammo. I attempt for HOing the cockpit and wing tip to wing tip passes which the bomber pilots left in our game, seem to know precisely when to dive or turn to defeat. I guess I'm describing the exploitation of F3 to enhance the pilot's maneuvering beyond what really happened in WW2. Even if gunners were yelling "turn now" on intercom. That did not translate like the pilot being able to sit 100ft outside of his bomber and almost ride with the attacking fighter. Seems kind of War Thunderish. I've seen impressive pilot maneuvering of the A20 not flown by Cobia, which could only be performed by a psychic or in F3.

After all of these years, 1-4 is a valid observation if you have spent regular time in the arena over the past 2 years. 5 might be tending towards game play mechanics to keep bomber fans from taking their interest elsewhere on the internet.

It's still HiTech's private property, and we are only paying to access a sandbox filled with toys to use as we see fit. Even on tiny maps, people choose to avoid each other at prime time getting worse off prime time. When you had 400-600 prime time, you had 200 off prime time. It was harder to hide, so the various dispersed actions had more opportunity to find someone to shoot at. But, they were still trying to hide from each other. It was not as obvious.

So creating a new game version\features with better graphics and object\toys will fail unless HiTech follows your dire warning first? That's a chicken or an egg kind of, who the fudge outside of HTC knows in reality proposition.

So HiTech should stop alpha testing and AH3 code production. Then bring the current AH2 up to your standards before investing in the future is what you demand to feel better about the present?

He can only do one or the other with his current man power. We know he will not hire more manpower after all of these years. XP is dead from a gamers and video card stand point. Which do you want with your tiger or the lady conundrum?

Todays gamers won't come near our game in it's current graphics mode and features. So who will show up for a restored Model A but a tiny cadre of Model A enthusiasts? Will that keep the doors open, or just make you feel better about the years you have invested in AH?

I suspect HiTech is aware of the frustration being felt by his customers. It is human nature to want to punish someone when you feel a situation is out side of your control. And since HiTech is the code master of your AH happiness. Well it ain't 8 tiny reindeer being whipped is it. Kind of like in the dark ages, black smiths who could make weapons were maimed by cutting their Achilles tendon and chained to their forge.

Euphemistically that's how this forum is turning out lately towards HiTech.   
bustr - POTW 1st Wing

This is like the old joke that voters are harsher to their beer brewer if he has an outage, than their politicians after raising their taxes. Death and taxes are certain but, fun and sex is only now.

Offline Arlo

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Re: FIVE Easy Things to Improve the Game NOW
« Reply #7 on: October 13, 2014, 09:18:37 PM »
It's good to see a couple of exceptions in this 'ray of farging sunshine' thread. For a little bit I thought this was gonna turn into nothing but a lack of support group (which would probably share tear-stained shoulders in the WT forum five years from now claiming how much they missed AH, ironically). I've never seen so many beech about the guy who works on the game they claim to enjoy (and all know a better way to run).
« Last Edit: October 13, 2014, 09:20:09 PM by Arlo »

Offline MrKrabs

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Re: FIVE Easy Things to Improve the Game NOW
« Reply #8 on: October 13, 2014, 09:54:37 PM »
lol, get rid of jets?


Maybe I should hop in a Jet and skillessly steal all of your kills...

Or my favorite play jet bait for the POTW and bring the alt dweebs on the deck where they will die a delicious bacon-filled death...
The boiling pot is put away and the crab has gone back to sea...

Offline Randy1

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Re: FIVE Easy Things to Improve the Game NOW
« Reply #9 on: October 14, 2014, 07:13:15 AM »
Last night their were five 262s flying together in a swarm,  It was funny looking.  I just flew under them and had no problem.

My favorite 262 encounter was my P-38 against three of them in a 1vs3.  They were so intent of shooting me down they made mistakes.  I killed one, sent one home smoking before the third got me.

I still think jet control should be based on historical numbers of expected encounters.

Offline FESS67

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Re: FIVE Easy Things to Improve the Game NOW
« Reply #10 on: October 14, 2014, 08:06:06 AM »
I live in Australia.  I might see 40 people logged on, maybe even 50 as the night gets old.

Of those 50 maybe 15 or 20 are in flight.  On a map made for hundreds it is not easy to find a fight.  I do not care to fly buffs or drive GVs.  Without a fighter combat option I pretty much do not bother to fly at all.  I usually only bother on weekends during the US prime time.

What Rapier says is true.  Although I would prefer it if he did not simply imitate Rocky in his 51 and actually tried to fight now and again :p

Offline Zerstorer

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Re: FIVE Easy Things to Improve the Game NOW
« Reply #11 on: October 14, 2014, 08:37:31 AM »
I actually agree with most of these suggestions and statements.  I don't believe "getting rid of jets" can be done, but if limitations to their use were entered it might work.

I don't really care about the looping bombers.  They end up dying anyway.  :P
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Offline Arlo

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Re: FIVE Easy Things to Improve the Game NOW
« Reply #12 on: October 14, 2014, 09:00:11 AM »
I don't believe "getting rid of jets" can be done, but if limitations to their use were entered it might work.

The perk cost is the limitation to their use.

Offline Lusche

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Re: FIVE Easy Things to Improve the Game NOW
« Reply #13 on: October 14, 2014, 10:34:00 AM »
"Remove any horde restrictions we have and take away the jets..."  Am I the only one seeing a pattern here? :noid

By the way, this year so far the Me 262 is responsible for 1.21% of all recorded plane deaths and the Me 163 for 0.39%
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Offline Arlo

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Re: FIVE Easy Things to Improve the Game NOW
« Reply #14 on: October 14, 2014, 10:35:28 AM »
I may fly a 262 tonight until all my fighter perks are gone.  :D