I just went and googled the thing just to get a clue as to what you guys were talking about.
This caught my eye: Platforms: Microsoft Windows, Macintosh, OS X
I have meaning to post something about platforms for a while. Might as well do it now.
In our house we two PCs that run Windows. Dad's gaming PC and Dad's laptop for work.
Wife and kids, all moved to something else. MacBook, chrome books, tablets (all sorts), smartphones and even an Ubuntu box (for multimedia). I'm just trying to think of any friends that the kids have that might run windows and I can not think of any. Kids are: 1 out of college, 1 in college, 1 on their way to college (so we hope

). (Almost forgot we have an xbox 360 and older but still working PS2).
The Kids are NOT interested in Windows. (And at the office we only stay on it for the office products b/c we need to stay in sync with clients).
Do any of these game development engines generate thin client (browser) games that have good graphics and good performance?