Author Topic: Italy 1944  (Read 974 times)

Offline BFOOT1

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Italy 1944
« on: November 30, 2014, 11:17:11 PM »
If you guys are interested in the upcoming scenario, check out my little write up then sign up  :aok :D :salute

It's early 1944 you're a B-24 pilot with the 459th BG stationed out of Giulia Air Field. Today is your first mission over enemy territory. You couldn't sleep all night from the nerves, and when you did fall asleep you were waken at 0400 hours for breakfast. After breakfast you head immediately to your briefing to find out the target for today. It's an ammo factory just south of Rome. Your escort for the day is the 31st FG in P-51's, the 57th FG in P-47's, and the 325th FG in P-51's. Takeoff is scheduled for 0700 hours. After the briefing your brief your crew, it's 0545. You gather your flight gear, and have a word with the co-pilot and you begin your pre-flight checks. Your payload today is twelve 500lb bombs. Your crew begins to check their headsets and radios, you say a silent prayer to yourself. It's 0645, the plane beside of you, The Mississippi Kids, begins starting their engines. You start engine one and work your way to engine four. You move to the flight line, today you are the tail end Charlie for the formation. By 0730, you're airborne, you've just gotten your wheels up and you begin to climb to join the rest of your formation. Your flight is only a few hours today.

By 0930 you're almost to target, your escort is out front and above you. The 325th Checker Tails are out-front, the 31st are right above you and the P-47's are split to the 9, and 3'o clock positions of your formation. The r/t comes to life with sightings of bandits inbound 1'o clock. You look to the 1'o clock and you see several twinkling specks growing fast. Focke-Wulfs 190's are headed straight for your formation. As the grow closer you see little twinkles from the nose and wings, you realize it's bullets being fired at you. The first rounds impact the right wing,  and make some tiny holes. The next rounds pass across the fuselage and rip into your top turret gunner killing him instantly. The escorts are working like hell to get the fighters but there are so many, and you notice little dogfights breaking out everywhere. A 190 goes by with an oil leak, you see a group of 109's come in but the 31st FG gets the jump. Two immediately go down in flames. You see a P-47 go by with a 190 in trail, the P-47 erupts in a massive explosion. The B-17 to your left The Mississippi Kids  is hit. Fire pours from engine number four, and you watch the plane dip to the left. You see a chute, "Get out you guys come on!" Two, three, four chutes come out, and then the plane is engulfed in the raging inferno and explodes. You turn your head to the right just in time to see a pair of 109's flash by. You don't see nor hear the 20mm shells that explode outside your co-pilots window. A strong breeze blows in and you see your co-pilot slump to his right with a hole between his eyes.

You turn your head to the 12'o clock position to see a 190 headed straight for you, the next thing you see is an explosion as the 190 is blown out of the sky by a P-47 of the 57th FG.

Or maybe your a P-47 pilot, today is just like any other to you, another mission. You've flown countless missions and made a name for yourself too. You're an ace with 7.5 victories, and in charge of Red Section. Your wingman is one of the best wingmen in the world, he can stay with you no matter what you do and has 4 victories for himself. Your number three is a very good friend LT. Frank Thomas, a new ace with 5 Victories, and your number four is the new guy fresh outta of flight school with 27 hours in P-47's. You aircraft is the P-47D-25, her name is In The Mood, which was made famous by Glenn Miller. You field is in Ghisonaccia, Corsica, today you are escorting B-24s to an ammo factory outside Rome. Your section will be to the 3'o clock of the formation with the 31st FG on top cover, and the 325th FG out front. You favor your P-47 to the P-51, it may not have the looks but it has the fire power and she can take a beating.

You lift off at 0730 and head to the rendezvous with the bombers. . .it's been dull so far out here, it's 0930 and no sign of the Luftwaffe. But something catches your eye to your 11'o clock. A large gaggle is inbound fast to the formation. You turn your section into the gaggle only to discover that it's 190's. You take your section down and make a run for the Tail End Charlie, you close in to within 250 yards and open fire. Your eight .50's rake across his aircraft and he spirals down trailing oil and avgas. But before you can catch the rest of the pack they split for the bombers. You see them dart through the formation tearing at the Tail End Charlie of the B-24 formation. You give chase and you find yourself behind another 190, you let your wingman take the shot. He nails him and he explodes, finally he's an ace. As you head back towards the formation you see your numbers 3 and 4 diving through, but there is a 109 behind number four. By the time you give the call number four has his wing blown off and he's out of the fight. You don't see it but he jumps and will be a POW till wars end. The 109 breaks down and you see a 190 jump LT. Thomas. He's shaking left and right to no use, he goes over the tail end Charlie and gets ready to dive down but it's too late. LT. Thomas doesn't feel the 20mm cannon rounds rip through his body and into his airplane. You watch his plane explode. Anger, and revenge are what you feel. You dive and follow the 190, he goes to the vertical, and is up on over back down on the formation He aims for the Tail End Charlie. He's closing in but so are you. You open fire and your rounds land home. They rake across his fuselage and canopy, and his right wing, then he explodes.  :salute

Hopefully this will catch some eyes but seriously guys sign up for the scenario, if we can get seat filled on both sides it'll be a blast. Bring your friends and go back in time to WWII and write your own history you won't regret it.

Here is the scenario write up, click the link, then click the picture to read the write up.,367025.0.html

Here is the registration link.

 :salute Hope you enjoyed my little story, and I look forward to seeing YOU over Italy.

Major BFOOT1
CO 31st Fighter Group
« Last Edit: November 30, 2014, 11:54:51 PM by BFOOT1 »
Member of G3MF
III Gruppe, 8 Staffel, JG52, flying Black 12 (Kuban Scenario)

Offline HB555

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Re: Italy 1944
« Reply #1 on: December 01, 2014, 12:31:07 AM »
Very nice, BFOOT. That isn't too far from what a scenario is like, and, God Bless them, what the real guys went through.
I know there are some great bomber pilots, as well as fighter pilots, out there. Hopefully some more will sign up for the scenario.
Snoopy Bell

HB555 A gentleman, with a school boys heart, and crazy enough to think he is a cartoon dog.

Offline earl1937

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Re: Italy 1944
« Reply #2 on: December 01, 2014, 09:37:53 AM »
If you guys are interested in the upcoming scenario, check out my little write up then sign up  :aok :D :salute

It's early 1944 you're a B-24 pilot with the 459th BG stationed out of Giulia Air Field. Today is your first mission over enemy territory. You couldn't sleep all night from the nerves, and when you did fall asleep you were waken at 0400 hours for breakfast. After breakfast you head immediately to your briefing to find out the target for today. It's an ammo factory just south of Rome. Your escort for the day is the 31st FG in P-51's, the 57th FG in P-47's, and the 325th FG in P-51's. Takeoff is scheduled for 0700 hours. After the briefing your brief your crew, it's 0545. You gather your flight gear, and have a word with the co-pilot and you begin your pre-flight checks. Your payload today is twelve 500lb bombs. Your crew begins to check their headsets and radios, you say a silent prayer to yourself. It's 0645, the plane beside of you, The Mississippi Kids, begins starting their engines. You start engine one and work your way to engine four. You move to the flight line, today you are the tail end Charlie for the formation. By 0730, you're airborne, you've just gotten your wheels up and you begin to climb to join the rest of your formation. Your flight is only a few hours today.

By 0930 you're almost to target, your escort is out front and above you. The 325th Checker Tails are out-front, the 31st are right above you and the P-47's are split to the 9, and 3'o clock positions of your formation. The r/t comes to life with sightings of bandits inbound 1'o clock. You look to the 1'o clock and you see several twinkling specks growing fast. Focke-Wulfs 190's are headed straight for your formation. As the grow closer you see little twinkles from the nose and wings, you realize it's bullets being fired at you. The first rounds impact the right wing,  and make some tiny holes. The next rounds pass across the fuselage and rip into your top turret gunner killing him instantly. The escorts are working like hell to get the fighters but there are so many, and you notice little dogfights breaking out everywhere. A 190 goes by with an oil leak, you see a group of 109's come in but the 31st FG gets the jump. Two immediately go down in flames. You see a P-47 go by with a 190 in trail, the P-47 erupts in a massive explosion. The B-17 to your left The Mississippi Kids  is hit. Fire pours from engine number four, and you watch the plane dip to the left. You see a chute, "Get out you guys come on!" Two, three, four chutes come out, and then the plane is engulfed in the raging inferno and explodes. You turn your head to the right just in time to see a pair of 109's flash by. You don't see nor hear the 20mm shells that explode outside your co-pilots window. A strong breeze blows in and you see your co-pilot slump to his right with a hole between his eyes.

You turn your head to the 12'o clock position to see a 190 headed straight for you, the next thing you see is an explosion as the 190 is blown out of the sky by a P-47 of the 57th FG.

Or maybe your a P-47 pilot, today is just like any other to you, another mission. You've flown countless missions and made a name for yourself too. You're an ace with 7.5 victories, and in charge of Red Section. Your wingman is one of the best wingmen in the world, he can stay with you no matter what you do and has 4 victories for himself. Your number three is a very good friend LT. Frank Thomas, a new ace with 5 Victories, and your number four is the new guy fresh outta of flight school with 27 hours in P-47's. You aircraft is the P-47D-25, her name is In The Mood, which was made famous by Glenn Miller. You field is in Ghisonaccia, Corsica, today you are escorting B-24s to an ammo factory outside Rome. Your section will be to the 3'o clock of the formation with the 31st FG on top cover, and the 325th FG out front. You favor your P-47 to the P-51, it may not have the looks but it has the fire power and she can take a beating.

You lift off at 0730 and head to the rendezvous with the bombers. . .it's been dull so far out here, it's 0930 and no sign of the Luftwaffe. But something catches your eye to your 11'o clock. A large gaggle is inbound fast to the formation. You turn your section into the gaggle only to discover that it's 190's. You take your section down and make a run for the Tail End Charlie, you close in to within 250 yards and open fire. Your eight .50's rake across his aircraft and he spirals down trailing oil and avgas. But before you can catch the rest of the pack they split for the bombers. You see them dart through the formation tearing at the Tail End Charlie of the B-24 formation. You give chase and you find yourself behind another 190, you let your wingman take the shot. He nails him and he explodes, finally he's an ace. As you head back towards the formation you see your numbers 3 and 4 diving through, but there is a 109 behind number four. By the time you give the call number four has his wing blown off and he's out of the fight. You don't see it but he jumps and will be a POW till wars end. The 109 breaks down and you see a 190 jump LT. Thomas. He's shaking left and right to no use, he goes over the tail end Charlie and gets ready to dive down but it's too late. LT. Thomas doesn't feel the 20mm cannon rounds rip through his body and into his airplane. You watch his plane explode. Anger, and revenge are what you feel. You dive and follow the 190, he goes to the vertical, and is up on over back down on the formation He aims for the Tail End Charlie. He's closing in but so are you. You open fire and your rounds land home. They rake across his fuselage and canopy, and his right wing, then he explodes.  :salute

Hopefully this will catch some eyes but seriously guys sign up for the scenario, if we can get seat filled on both sides it'll be a blast. Bring your friends and go back in time to WWII and write your own history you won't regret it.

Here is the scenario write up, click the link, then click the picture to read the write up.,367025.0.html

Here is the registration link.

 :salute Hope you enjoyed my little story, and I look forward to seeing YOU over Italy.

Major BFOOT1
CO 31st Fighter Group
:airplane: Man, what a great story! Maybe I ought to hire you to help me finish my book! Anyway, great post and keep up the good work you are doing!
Blue Skies and wind at my back and wish that for all!!!

Offline Zoney

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Re: Italy 1944
« Reply #3 on: December 01, 2014, 10:25:36 AM »
This is where IT is at gents.  This is the kind of stuff that keeps you playing. Special events will keep your mind off the distraction that is the MA (practice arena for Special Events).

For me, I love every part of the game that involves flying. 

I get:

Tuesday, squad night with JG11
Friday, FSO with JG11
Sunday, SEC with JG11

And coming soon:
Saturday, Scenario with JG11

This illustrates 2 important things:
1.) Find a squad you like to fly with that also makes the game better than what it is alone.
2.) Fly in "Special Events", to keep the game fresh

The upcoming Saturday Scenario will allow you to lose yourself for a bit in the history of aerial warfare, to feel maybe just a bit what it felt like to be one of the "Greatest Generation", and know the sacrifices they made fighting for what the believed in, on BOTH sides of the war.

Please, come join us.  It is good for the game and it will be good for you too.

Thank you, Your Friend,
Wag more, bark less.

Offline BFOOT1

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Re: Italy 1944
« Reply #4 on: December 02, 2014, 10:56:44 AM »
This is where IT is at gents.  This is the kind of stuff that keeps you playing. Special events will keep your mind off the distraction that is the MA (practice arena for Special Events).

For me, I love every part of the game that involves flying. 

I get:

Tuesday, squad night with JG11
Friday, FSO with JG11
Sunday, SEC with JG11

And coming soon:
Saturday, Scenario with JG11

This illustrates 2 important things:
1.) Find a squad you like to fly with that also makes the game better than what it is alone.
2.) Fly in "Special Events", to keep the game fresh

The upcoming Saturday Scenario will allow you to lose yourself for a bit in the history of aerial warfare, to feel maybe just a bit what it felt like to be one of the "Greatest Generation", and know the sacrifices they made fighting for what the believed in, on BOTH sides of the war.

Please, come join us.  It is good for the game and it will be good for you too.

Thank you, Your Friend,

Precisely fellas! Fly allies or axis in this one, it's a blast all around! :salute
Member of G3MF
III Gruppe, 8 Staffel, JG52, flying Black 12 (Kuban Scenario)

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Re: Italy 1944
« Reply #5 on: December 02, 2014, 11:47:59 AM »
That was an excellent read  :aok
Nothing clever here.  Please, move along.


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Re: Italy 1944
« Reply #6 on: December 02, 2014, 12:06:15 PM »

Everyone needs to get in on this, quick!

Offline -ammo-

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« Reply #7 on: December 02, 2014, 12:35:07 PM »
Good stuff BFOOT!  Thanks for the teaser.

Commanding Officer, 56 Fighter Group
Retired USAF - 1988 - 2011

Offline BFOOT1

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Re: Italy 1944
« Reply #8 on: December 02, 2014, 04:14:47 PM »
Thanks guys just thought I'd get creative and throw a little piece togehter  :aok
Member of G3MF
III Gruppe, 8 Staffel, JG52, flying Black 12 (Kuban Scenario)

Offline branch37

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Re: Italy 1944
« Reply #9 on: December 02, 2014, 09:05:22 PM »
Is it January yet?

CMDR Branch37
VF-17 Jolly Rogers  C.O.

Offline BFOOT1

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Re: Italy 1944
« Reply #10 on: December 02, 2014, 10:12:31 PM »
Is it January yet?
No sir it's actually Wednesday, December 3rd, 1943. The current time is 0512 hours local time Sunny Italy  :D
Member of G3MF
III Gruppe, 8 Staffel, JG52, flying Black 12 (Kuban Scenario)

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Re: Italy 1944
« Reply #11 on: December 03, 2014, 03:43:28 PM »
 :aok Good stuff!
Silence tells me secretly everything.
Montreal! Free the Pitt Bulls!!!!!

Offline Bruv119

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Re: Italy 1944
« Reply #12 on: December 03, 2014, 05:29:30 PM »
I still have 3 Pony Bravos available in my flight.   

registration is getting near full.... 
The Few ***

Offline BFOOT1

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Re: Italy 1944
« Reply #13 on: December 03, 2014, 08:58:41 PM »
I still have 3 Pony Bravos available in my flight.   

registration is getting near full.... 
Might be sending some fellas your way sir  :salute
Member of G3MF
III Gruppe, 8 Staffel, JG52, flying Black 12 (Kuban Scenario)

Offline BFOOT1

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Re: Italy 1944
« Reply #14 on: December 10, 2014, 10:59:07 AM »
You, reading this, this is your offer to a once in a lifetime $15 trip to Sunny Italy!
What you get, a nice shiny fighter, or nice shiny bomber.
Friends, lots of them working together to achieve a common goal.
Fun, which is the priority, have fun.
Nude beaches, with Italian women, and GI's or Luftwaffe personal.
Wine, and other liquor, and beer.
Italian Quesine.
Lots of people shooting at you, and vice versa.
So, come one and all to Italy and have a blast with the allies or axis.

We are not responsible for HO's or outrages by players. Please see your doctor if this occurs. :D
Member of G3MF
III Gruppe, 8 Staffel, JG52, flying Black 12 (Kuban Scenario)