Even looking at your suggestion on a movable spawn, I can see a way to game it an mess with a GV attack with nothing more than a jeep and 10 minutes...
It's a lot easier to complain, than it is to think through a solution, many of which HTC has already considered.
Gamed how? By driving out and moving the spawn back. Well this would more accurately represent the gaining of ground. And just because your in a jeep doesnt mean mcuh because then you have to be able to hold that location, Jeeps die pretty easy...well most of the time (but thats another issue entirely)
If I had it purely my way. The spawn points would stretch and shrink depending on how much ground is controlled and where the enemy is spawning to
Better yet There would be no spawn points directly to a base. Ony a bit out from your own. There would be capture-able villages between feilds which do nothing more then provide a place to spawn to and possibly have a rearm pad. (This would simulate capture of ground and the moving of logistics to the front) To capture a village you would have to do nothing more then drive to the center of it and stop on the rearm point/pad and have no enemy GVs in it. After that its yours until the enemy does likewise.
Capturing a village would enable your side to spawn to it until or unless it becomes occupied or captured by the enemy and in that way you would advance to an enemy base. You wouldnt spawn directly into the village but somewhere around it on all sides. This would make camping a village more difficult and the campers would still be under threat from those coming in from one village over. Tie to that a meaningful road net connecting them all where travel along roads is faster then over open ground