Agreed. Big time.
CH made a fantastic force feedback stick as well, similar to the combat/fighterstick but with a huge base, and great motors and such. AckAck has good info I'm sure, it's been so long since I had mine - Mr Fork had one back in 2000 as well.
IMO nothing beats a good CH stick for precision and learning to be a good shot. The Microsoft stick of old is close to the same as well, but my personal pref is the CH still. I've had all the Saiteks from the x36 onwards, I have a Warthog with custom Euro/Steel pedals on my DCS system, and have owned every HOTAS set out there I think since they started making them. IMO CH is overall the easiest to aim with in a game like AH, with several others being right up there as well, like the Microsoft and such.
One thing I would say that when trying to figure out your shooting technique, is don't zoom for the first little while, as it can really mess up your predictive lead and such at first. Also, don't just focus on learning to get your gunsite in front of the target and let him fly through your stream, practice hitting him with the first shot out of your guns - the 30mm is great for training this offline or in the TA, practice trying to get that first shot to connect. It is another tool in your toolbox, and a great skill to train alongside learning how much to lead and have the target fly through your burst.