Author Topic: Air to Air Gunnery  (Read 4113 times)

Offline Zerstorer

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Re: Air to Air Gunnery
« Reply #45 on: January 02, 2015, 07:01:47 PM »
I just bought another MSFFB2, like new, for $45 shipped.  :banana:


I miss having FFB...but I'll stick with the Mamba for now.
The Once and Former Fulcrum

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Offline BBP

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Re: Air to Air Gunnery
« Reply #46 on: January 11, 2015, 04:28:33 PM »
OOOps Sorry can;t cancel this post :O
« Last Edit: January 11, 2015, 05:17:09 PM by BBP »

Offline BBP

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Re: Air to Air Gunnery
« Reply #47 on: January 12, 2015, 05:55:24 PM »
I tried what Skyrr suggested. I had problems with the computer freezing my controls and posting don't move your controls so fast. Being a right handed Tennis Pro for 30 years every thing on my right side is stronger than the left. When I'm flying to my destination I must constantly check my rudder. Most of the time my rudder pedal has been pushed in half way on the right leg. I don't know I'm doing it. Its just the strong side thing taking over.
And we were taught just the opposite of using the big muscles vs the small muscles. Like a baseball pitcher or golfer. They all use there fingers (small twitch muscles) vs. Grabbing ball, golf club, tennis racket using the fingers. When Girls throw they get the ball way down in there palm, wrap there fingers around it and squeeze HARD, then pull back and let it fly........right down into the ground in front of them. Pro golfers increase swing speed by holding the grip LIGHTLY in there FINGERS but yet swing over 100 mph. Same with pitchers. Same with Tennis Pros. The Pros in these sports learn to POP there wrist just like we all did growing up and popping towels on each other. Do you remember?  You didn't grab the towel hard and strain your large muscles. You would pop or snap the wrist using your fingers lightly. Every time I squeeze the stick hard and try to direct the plane with my arm muscles........the piper wobbles bobbles and floats every where but where I want it.  If I relax and use my fingers  I do much better.  The only problem is not one company has built a stick that will accommodate finger useage. You can try it and almost pull it of but you can reach all the buttons.  Oh well maybe we are making progress on how to get better!

Offline bustr

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Re: Air to Air Gunnery
« Reply #48 on: January 12, 2015, 06:14:55 PM »
I modified my fighter stick by placing tension bands over the return spring yokes. This effectively locks the stick to center allowing finger or wrist motion small movements. But, how do you translate those small movements into large game movements?

You shorten the ends of the calibration line in your x,y lines of your joystick.jsm file. At which point you don't really need to calibrate anymore. Any problems will then be USB bus resets or your pots are going bad.

From my jsm file years ago when I used to calibrate inside of the game for my Fighterstick and had big sloppy movements:

255 - far left throw or, all the way pulled back.
32767 - center
65535 - far right throw or, all the way pushed forward.

X Axis
Y Axis

Modified by shortening the ends of the throw by 16,000 to allow a short throw with wrist movement only after adding tension bands to the spring yokes. Yes you can just move your stick in shorter throws in all four directions but, your results wont be very precise.

X Axis
Y Axis

You do have to compensate the ability to perform a full deflection movement with a short wrist motion by using scaling to calibrate the length of your shortened axis movement. Otherwise, your spit16 is always flipped on it's back or stalled out and useless. But, you can get some very precise small correction movements when zoomed for gunnery.
bustr - POTW 1st Wing

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