I agree with that Rich. Also, you should give the Ki43 a whirl for a dozen hops or so if you haven't. IMO it's the plane capable of surprising folks the most, hands down, and that includes Brewster pilots. I haven't lost to one yet in the Ki43 in a 1 or even 2 or 3 on one fight. Brews, since they almost always go for a turn type fight - exactly what a Ki43 pilot would want - can absolutely demolish the Brew, it's fun to do, and watch. I would say nobody is going to be posting or asking about "how the Ki43 keeps up to that P51 or whatever" like they do with the Brew, the Achilles heel of the 43 is putting the nose down, over 350 it's adios both elevators or ailerons, and a funny film of rolling around trying to get it home without those vators.