Author Topic: A question for our ground military guys  (Read 742 times)

Offline ozrocker

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Re: A question for our ground military guys
« Reply #15 on: January 14, 2015, 09:19:05 PM »
Perhaps you should stop trying to "think" and just look at the avatar there...... :P

Old school Armor. Spent almost of my time in the M60's. I did train in the early M1 but really still a 60 guy. (A1 &A3) We had the 4.2 as part of Combat Support Company. When I was XO there I got to hang a few rounds and spent some time as range SO. The Bn CO was of the mind that everyone in the command track should have experience in all the assets available to the Bn, not just the tanks. I tend to agree with him.

When I arrived at my first duty station and first tour of Germany, it was a CSC, right before integration into HHC. 1984 IRRC.
M-60's were the Main Battle Tank. And this was a Forward Brigade in West Germany.
Our mission area was in defense of Fulda Gap. Mission - Hold off Warsaw Pact till replaced, not relieved.
Full alerts with combat uploads every month. Roll to defensive positions and set up.
We never knew if it was alerts or real world, till after we got to positions.
We'd have been overrun 1st day. 1st BDE, HHC 2Bn 32nd Ar. Kirsche-Goens (The Rock),
the then Federal Republic of Geramny.
                                                                                                                             :cheers: Oz
Flying and dying since Tour 29
The world is grown so bad. That wrens make prey where eagles dare not perch.- Shakespeare
30% Disabled Vet  US ARMY- 11C2H 2/32 AR. 3rd AD, 3/67AR. 2nd AD, 2/64 AR. 3rd ID, ABGD Command TRADOC, 1/16th INF. 1st ID

Offline redcatcherb412

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Re: A question for our ground military guys
« Reply #16 on: January 16, 2015, 02:20:22 PM »
This is a mortarman question, not a ground question.

Only thing Infantry and others are supposed to know is if that asset is available and how do we call it in so we can hit all of the combined arms spectrum against our enemy.

Oz rocker is the subject matter expert being an 11C
^This Answer^
The only mortar experience I had was humping to the mortar platoon position under fire to drop the 2 rounds us grunts had to carry for them, then get back to the squaddies. We were the 11 Charlies mules  :rofl
Ground Pounders ...