Add to the game, do not take away from it, or from others experiences in it.
I take fun, and the game serious, not myself. <S>
I couldn't agree with this more.
There are many players who are committed to contributing something positive to the game, above and beyond their own enjoyment of it, who should be recognized and admired -- whether it is in designing and CMing events, running an FSO squad, training others in the TA, or simply giving people a good fight in the MA without chest-beating and saluting win or lose.
It would be great if every current player (especially members of "the new damned") read this and gave it a bit of thought. It is noteworthy that
this is the approach that gets you on people's "Players to admire" list. The fact that many players do this without needing to get their names up in lights is what is good about this community -- it's not a failing, as the damned try to make it out to be.
Sadly the one leading their charge here in the forum and in the MA is beyond hope. You know he's admitted to doing the same thing in Fighter Ace for ten years. His attitude and intentions in Aces High can be summed up single statement he recently made on 200: "I don't care if Aces High fails. If HTC closed their doors tomorrow, I would laugh hysterically." -Skyyr
I encourage the community to ignore him and move on. Maybe there is some hope for others in his squad who will eventually learn that posting and boasting, regardless of how good you think your score is, will not get you a wide measure of respect or admiration -- it only gets attention. Attention gained is short lived. Respect earned will last a long, long time.
My two cents...