I know we are a flying game but I was looking at the possibility to add a new tank for the scenarios and or mid war. The Japanese were involved in ww2 so lets get some of their armor here as well..
Specs. Type 97 Chi-Ha
Dimensions: 5.5 x 2,34 x 2,33 m (18 x 7.6 x 7.5 ft)
Total weight, battle ready: 15 Tons, 16,5 Tons Shinhoto.
Crew : 4
Mitsubishi type 97 Diesel V12 170hp(127kW)@2000rpm
Speed: 38 km/h (24 mph)
Armor: 12 mm (0.15in) roof and bottom, 25 mm (0.47in) glacis and sides
Armament: 47 mm (2in), 3 type 92 Mgs - 7,7mm
Range (road/off road): 210 km (165 miles)
Total production: 1162 + 930 Kai 1938-43
Chi-Ha production and evolution.
By september 1939, around 300 units has been produced so far, quickly tried in China, and especially receiving their baptism of fire against Russian armor at Nomonanh Plateau (Battle of Khalkin Gol). Despite showing good performances, these tanks were soon proved ill-effective against most russian tanks, including lightly protected models like the BT5-7 cruisers, which at the contrary, possessed (like the T-26), high velocity 45 and 37mm main guns, which outranged japanese tanks. The type 97 infantry gun was proved quite useless during these engagements, and resurfaced in reports after these events, prompting an upgunning or upgrade study inside the army. A new 47mm, high velocity gun was finally developed and tried at the beginning of 1941. This new type 1 was then followed by turret modifications which resulted in the main evolution of the type : The Type 97 kai. The Chi-Ha production ended early in 1942, with a total of 1162 beeing delivered, the production line beeing adaptated for the new improved model