I understand people really want the late war monsters armed with cannons but history has shown that the people who voted them in are the same people who whine about it's uberness only a short time later.
For that reason, I would like to see some more early war birds like..................
1. Mig3..........bad handling and undergunned but it has speed and apparent quirks that a skillful pilot can turn into advantage.
I like that challenge and what's not to like about 400mph in 1941?
From Wiki......
Even with the MiG-3's limitations, Aleksandr Pokryshkin, the third-leading Soviet, and Allied, ace of the war, with 53 official air victories (plus six shared), recorded a number of those victories while flying a MiG-3 at the beginning of the war.[24] He later recalled:
“Its designers rarely succeeded in matching both the fighter's flight characteristics with its firepower… the operational advantage of the MiG-3 seemed to be obscured by its certain defects. However, these advantages could undoubtedly be exploited by a pilot able to discover them”.
2. Beaufighter.............a truck.........a truck that carries 4x20mm with six 303s, can carry torpedos and bombs.
A lot of A20 pilots would gladly include beaufighter sorties in thier missions if brought in.
3. Ki44...........another plane that is misunderstood because most of the pilots who flew them got out of much more maneuverable planes and loudly complained about it's handling.
Still, it's only "less maneuverable" than the best of the japanese planes meaning it's still likely to turn better than many Allied rides.
4. D520..........considered weak in all areas but a good pilot can be dangerous in one.
5. More variants of the JU88 model range........some had more utility, others had more speed, and even others had a lot of firepower.
Others can be used to fill out the early war planeset to make events more interesting.