I'm sorry but flying 1 pair of bombers to a HQ and ruining everyone's fun experience, while not using it to your teams advantage (obviously because wars haven't been won) is the most easiest part to be good at, at the game. Same goes for killing the CV during huge battles as well as killing FHs for no reason at a base during a large furball.
You make me sick!!!! Sick I tell you. The sad part is that it is the easiest part of the game and you think your all high and mighty for it. I think it is just lame. For all of you who bomb the furball bases FHs and then don't capture the base (while ruining the fun fight) I hate you, I hate you all!!!
Not to mention, I don't understand why you can't go bomb somewhere else, ans easily capture a base that no one even sees. You get all the strat points for score, you can take base after base with no one noticing, and yet what do they do? Attack the FHs at a furball base that does nothing for no one and instead makes the war effort even more troubling than just simply capuring bases where no one is at. I just don't understsnd it personally.