bringing supps to a town instead of troops. and my most famous was getting up in bombers and falling asleep on autopilot waking up hours later and wondering where i was (off the map ) so i bail
Remingt or whatever was so excited about just having enough perks to get B-29s, that he went to nap on autoclimb, he came back 2 hours later out of gas and crashed. I did the same with a 262 run once, went on autoclimb then forgot I was going to call my friend, when I came back my Me-262 was out of gas and pretty much so far off the map that I wasn't getting home.
/I switched to reading books on climb outs after that, until one day some silly person "winged" with me while on autoclimb, and he was an enemy. He got a good 3 minute video of it somewhere, I laughed, he laughed, I got shot down. LOL