Was a surprise to me. I never considered looking at that and I know better...
I failed my squad and failed my CiC last night because I missed that detail. We could have dropped those hangers. I just didn't assign enough ord to each hanger.
It was still a fun attack on A114 last night. It was well defended. And I have to give props to 68th Lightning Lancers. They had low numbers and managed to engage the Spitfires on the way to target and get that fight below the bombers giving us enough time to get to target and get ord off.
The other squads that showed up in P40s, P39s, and P38s kicked the snot out of us. That last 30 to 45 seconds to the field were one of the hardest attacks I can recall.
Good times!
Gooooooooooood tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimes!!!
to the 68th! I was impressed by that escort. Well done!