WaffenVW is right. Operation Gomorrah, aka the battle of Hamburg lasted 8 days. The destruction of Hamburg was not done in one night.
If the Luftwaffe managed to shoot down 60 bombers out of 372, why do you think they would shoot down more than 60 if the number of bombers doubled? Do you fail at logic? Obviously the Luftwaffe had to spread their resources to deal with multiple incursions and thus there were fewer interceptors available to counter the Brunswick raid, but in total the Luftwaffe shot down the same number of bombers.
60 out of 376 on August 17, 1943
60 out of 291 on October 14, 1943
60 out of 663 on January 11, 1944
51 out of 730 on March 6, 1944 (by this time the Luftwaffe was hurting bad and nearing collapse in the west).