Author Topic: B26 fighter ops.  (Read 276 times)

Offline Apache

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B26 fighter ops.
« on: September 07, 2001, 10:13:00 AM »
Was cruising home lastnight to A15 due to every gv the bish owned was at A12, lol.

Anyway, get to the field and see 2 B26's pulverizing the field. They're at about 15k so I climb up and see what I can stir up. As I'm closing in on the nearest one, he turns toward me for the HO. Uh oh. I slip to the right to make his shot a little more difficult and to give me a quick shot at his left wing as he goes by. A hit or 2 but not much.

Just slightly higher comes the next one but I've got some smash now so he flies over. Ah ha. I've got him now. I'm already under him and got mucho E. I turn and give chase. Next comes a series of turns, dives, banks, climbs, the whole gambit. The whole time I'm switching back a forth on his low 4 to 8 o'clock, rising up for a quick shot or 2 then back down under him.

After an eternity it seems like, I hit both engines on a "as he crosses in front of me" shot. I must say it was not due to me doing anything special. He was evading a P51 that climbed up to us during our evening of fun. The B26 had to dive slightly. I stayed where I was. Sure enough, he climbed right back to my altitude and my guns are pointing at his 8 o'clock. Oops. Whamo!

Was a blast AKKarma. Don't know who the other B26 was (think it was Curly) but I had to hit the deck. I was sucking fumes by then. The last time I saw him, he was 600 yards my 6 and I was runnin' like a little girl.  :)